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Info 2024/2025

Duration 3 years
CFU 180
Class L-2
Access Admission test
Available places EU Students 96
Non-EU Students 4
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme TULLIO FLORIO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
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The course in brief


The course trains scientific practitioners with a solid background of basic theoretical knowledge and highly specific skills applied to the various fields of biotechnology. In the course, notions of physics, chemistry, molecular and cellular biology are provided, with emphasis on application purposes and the design and implementation of new biotechnological methodologies.

Learning by doing

The course has a very strong practical imprint: Laboratories characterize many of the teachings and allow familiarization with the most important techniques. Of great importance is the laboratory internship for the preparation of the thesis, which is compulsorily experimental, and can be carried out in university laboratories of the highest quality, in centers of excellence such as the Policlinico San Martino Hospital, the Italian Institute of Technology, the Giannina Gaslini Institute, or in companies in the sector.

Professional outlets

In addition to continuing their studies with a master's degree, the Biotechnology graduate can enter the professions of industry technician, biomedical laboratory technician in toxicological/environmental detection centers and in research institutes or agencies. Other directly accessible professions are scientific informant and consultant in the fields of environmental quality, hygiene, and use of biotechnology products.

What you will learn

coltivare cellule

far crescere cellule di animali e piante in laboratorio

la reazione a catena della DNA polimerasi (PCR)

padroneggiare una delle più importanti tecniche della biologia molecolare


i meccanismi di risposta dell'organismo ad agenti patogeni

il funzionamento dei farmaci

ideare e validare nuove terapie

costruire molecole di DNA ricombinante

modificare il genoma degli organismi viventi

biotecnologie industriali

utilizzare e modificare microrganismi per scopi industriali

procreazione medicalmente assistita

le tecniche per la fecondazione umana in vitro


le basi dell'ereditarietà dei caratteri


analizzare computazionalmente enormi moli di dati biologici


The Bachelor of Science degree in Biotechnology makes graduates capable of applying multidisciplinary techniques for the analysis, modification and use of cells and their components for the production of goods and services. Economic, management, legal, ethical, and environmental aspects related to applications of these technologies are also considered.

It provides an immediately spendable degree on the job market in the field of biotechnology and biomedical industry and research, and a solid foundation for access to master's degrees in the medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical, industrial and agricultural fields.

It is oriented in such a way as to provide in the first two years a good basic culture, giving priority in the third year to laboratory activities and qualifying courses immediately spendable in the world of work.


Dear students, the three years of the Biotechnology course represent a revolution for your education equal to that experienced at the beginning of elementary school. If in the latter you were given the indispensable keys to life in today's society, in the university you build the foundation of your professional life.
Welcoming you to our course I welcome you to the front door of one of the most enthusiastic and most rapidly developing disciplines.

Tullio Florio

Where we are

Direction and educational manager
CBA Center for Advanced Biotechnology
San Martino Polyclinic Hospital

Lecture Rooms and Teaching
Biomedical Teaching Pole ex-Saiwa
Corso Gastaldi 161
16131 Genova

Alberti Pole
Via L.B. Alberti 4
16131 Genova

Surgical Teaching Pole and Institute of Anatomy
Via de Toni
16131 Genova

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Instructional Manager
Enrico Zeraschi
Center for Advanced Biotechnology - Policlinico San Martino Hospital
Largo R. Benzi 10
16132 Genoa
+39 010 555 8266