Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-34 EARTH SCIENCES Access Free access Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme LAURA CRISPINI Department DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA, DELL'AMBIENTE E DELLA VITA Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
evento Meetings with the Civil Protection on the risks of extreme weather events 30/01/2025 - 27/02/2025
The course in brief Presentation The geological setting and internal dynamics of the Earth affect its evolution and impact social development. The effects of earthquakes, volcanic activities and hydrogeological disruption are well known, as is the need to find and manage energy, water and mineral resources. The course provides the basic knowledge to train modern geologists prepared for land monitoring and management and able to collaborate with professional figures from different backgrounds. Learning by doing Traditional lectures, which provide a framework for fundamental geological processes and provide a solid background in all areas of geological sciences, are supplemented with: laboratory activities and project development on cutting-edge topics, including in collaboration with external research institutions and professional firms; teaching, field study activities in different geological settings; stages and internships at research institutions and professional firms; Professional outlets Our graduates find employment in public agencies, private companies, corporations and professional firms involved in monitoring, management and planning of the territory and its resources, forecasting and mitigation of potential risks related to geological phenomena. What you will learn Geologia e Paleontologia si occupano della comprensione dei processi geologici della litosfera e della ricostruzione dell'evoluzione della vita nel passato Geomorfologia e Geologia Applicata forniscono le conoscenze per la comprensione delle dinamiche ambientali e la valutazione dei rischi geologici Geochimica, Mineralogia, Petrografia, Georisorse forniscono conoscenze sulle proprietà chimico-fisiche di minerali, rocce, fluidi e geomateriali Geofisica si occupa dello studio della struttura e dei processi della Terra superficiale e profonda Did you know that. I Laureati Triennali possono sostenere l'Esame di Stato di Geologo-Sezione B e acquisire la qualifica professionale di Geologo Junior ( Alla fine del nostro percorso di studi il 90% dei nostri laureati lavora nel campo della geologia Abbiamo attivato scambi Erasmus e collaborazioni con prestigiose sedi europee Le attività laboratoriali e le esercitazioni pratiche sul campo sono attività fondamentali del nostro percorso formativo. Contents The Bachelor of Science degree in Geological Sciences confers on the graduate the basic knowledge of the Earth system and the processes that regulate its dynamics in different environments. It prepares to acquire data on the ground and in the laboratory and to process these data to obtain information inherent in geological-environmental problems. The objective of the course of study is to train professionals capable of dealing with geological problems both of a technical and professional nature and of scientific research. The first year is aimed at studying the basic quantitative disciplines (mathematics, physics and chemistry) and introducing the fundamental concepts of geology. In second year the study of geological materials (minerals, rocks, sediments, and waters) and the main geodynamic environments is addressed in detail. Finally, in the third year the student will be directed toward more specific aspects inherent in the mapping of geological bodies, georesources, and technical geology. The training is complemented by internships, excursions, and geological field campaigns. Coordinator Image We look forward to seeing you in Genoa to join us on the Geological Sciences Degree Course! Laura Crispini Where we are Department of Earth Sciences of Environment and Life - DISTAV Corso Europa 26 16132 Read more MFN Science Student One-Stop Shop. DISTAV Education Secretariat. Instructional Manager. Francesca Rossi