Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-36 POLITICAL SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Access Free access Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme RENZO REPETTI Department DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE POLITICHE E INTERNAZIONALI - DiSPI Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
The course in brief Presentation The Bachelor of Arts in International and Diplomatic Sciences provides methodological, cultural and professional knowledge with an interdisciplinary character on contemporary societies, with specific focus on internationalist and European issues. The goal is the acquisition of management, organizational, planning, reporting and communication skills in public and private spheres, in the areas of international governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Learning by doing Frontal teaching is complemented by group work on targeted content, such as Gemun, European Council and European Parliament simulations. Student mobility within the framework of international programs, internships, credit-bearing seminars and supplementary in-depth courses on interdisciplinary and international policy issues are provided. In accordance with University and Department regulations, credit may be given for activities relevant to course content. Professional outlets Advisory work in international and European organizations and bodies, services, government activities in private enterprises handling international relations Diplomatic career, accessed through competition at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs collaboration with international bodies or organs of the European Union and related bodies activities of international relevance and development cooperation within nongovernmental organizations public relations and consulting in areas concerning community relations, international organizations, developing countries tourism and cultural promotion activities. The graduate may also continue his or her studies by enrolling in a master's degree program in continuity, such as International and Cooperation Sciences. What you will learn diritto dell'Unione Europea capire ciò che unisce tutti i cittadini europei diritto costituzionale comparato ed europeo comprendere pregi e limiti delle nostre istituzioni, guardando all'Europa e alle esperienze straniere storia contemporanea strumenti e capacità critiche per una conoscenza approfondita della storia mondiale del XIX e XX secolo lengua, cultura et instituciones de los Paises hispanofonos lingua e attualità politico-istituzionale dei paesi di lingua spagnola language, culture and institutions of English-speaking countries lingua e attualità politico-istituzionale dei paesi di lingua inglese langue, culture et institutions des Pays francophones lingua e attualità politico-istituzionale dei paesi di lingua francese storia delle relazioni internazionali i rapporti tra gli stati nel Novecento e nel nuovo millennio diritto internazionale attori e fonti del diritto internazionale e rapporti tra privati con elementi di internazionalità economia politica il funzionamento del sistema economico e in particolare il comportamento dei consumatori e delle imprese e il ruolo del mercato politica economica studio di un modello macroeconomico in grado di determinare il reddito, l'occupazione, il tasso di interesse, i prezzi e il tasso di cambio economia internazionale teorie del commercio internazionale e gli effetti sulle politiche commerciali storia moderna storia dell'Europa dei secoli XV-XVIII per capire il presente con migliori strumenti critici Contents The degree program in International and Diplomatic Sciences has a strongly interdisciplinary focus between the fields of economics, law, linguistics, political science, sociology, and history. It examines issues of international and European significance, providing basic knowledge of different geographical and geopolitical areas. The course involves the in-depth study of at least two European Union languages, in addition to Italian. The traditional didactic activity is complemented by additional forms of learning, which enable the student to develop a profitable interaction with the outside world in which he or she will operate. For example: a wide range of lectures, seminars and meetings with lecturers and experts, including external ones (visiting professors) on topical issues cultural exchanges of faculty and students within the framework of international and European programs, such as LLP Erasmus, CINDA, AVERROES stays at embassies, consulates and international bodies internships at domestic and foreign companies traineeships abroad within the framework of European Erasmus Placement programs. Coordinator Image Welcome to the degree program in International and Diplomatic Sciences. It will be a challenging course of study, but also one dense with satisfaction and pleasant surprises: you will realize that the disciplines you will study serve to understand the complex dynamics of the society around us. Our community-composed of students, faculty, tutors, and all staff-is strongly committed to blending teaching with its research activities. Prof. Renzo Repetti Where we are Department of Political Science - DISPOBrignole educational pole former Albergo dei PoveriPiazzale Emanuele Brignole 3a gate - west tower16125 Genoa+39 010 209 51131 Student Deskopening hours, services offered, etc. Read more Social Sciences Single Student DeskVia Francesco Vivaldi 5 - Genoatel. 010 Internships Office (Social Sciences)tel. 010 Departmental Representatives for StudentsOrientation, School-Work Alternation, Placementprof. Daniela Tarantino (Orientation and School-Work Alternation) - daniela.tarantino@unige.itprof. Francesco Pierini (Placement) - Administrative supportdott.ssa Luciana Griecotel. 010 20951112 - 010 Students with disabilities and students with DSAprof. Aristide Canepatel. 010 Erasmus Office (AIFE)dott.ssa Claudia SoresiniPiazzale Emanuele Brignole 3a, third floor central towertel. 010 Placement and Job Guidance (University service)Piazza della Nunziata, 6 (3rd floor) - 16124 Genoa - Placement and Employment Guidance Services Sectortel. 010 209 9675 - Internships Departmenttel. 010 209 51846 -