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Info 2024/2025

Duration 3 years
CFU 180
Class L-9
Access Free access
Locations LA SPEZIA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme LUCA BRUZZONE
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The mechanical engineer: his preparation is among the most solid, comprehensive, versatile and appreciated by the working world. His skills cover not only the design and production of machines, plants, complex systems, consumer goods and services, but also extend to organizational and economic-managerial aspects and the most advanced applications in the fields of robotics, mechatronics, automation, and energy.

Learning by doing

The course combines traditional lectures with:

  • laboratory activities
  • .
  • development of projects proposed by faculty
  • professionalizing curricular internship activities at affiliated companies in the area.

Professional outlets

Almost all bachelor's and master's degree graduates in mechanical engineering find employment within 12 months of graduation.

In addition to the opportunity to enter the workforce directly, graduates have access to numerous master's degrees, including:

  • Mechanical engineering - design and production
  • Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Aeronautics
  • Robotics Engineering.

What you will learn

formazione scientifica di base

usare strumenti matematici, fisici, chimici e informatici per risolvere problemi ingegneristici

progettazione meccanica

analizzare e progettare sistemi meccanici in relazione agli aspetti funzionali e costruttivi

sistemi termici, energetici, fluidodinamici e ambientali

analizzare e progettare cicli termodinamici, sistemi per trasmissione del calore e recupero energetico; modellare processi energetici, macchine a fluido, motori a combustione interna

impianti industriali e tecnologia meccanica

comprendere il funzionamento dei sistemi industriali e di produzione, conoscendone gli aspetti tecnico-economici e quelli legati all'industria 4.0

controllo e misure

configurare e analizzare servosistemi per applicazioni meccatroniche, dotati di sensoristica e sistemi di controllo

sistemi per l'automazione e la meccatronica

integrare componenti hardware e software con sistemi meccanici e servosistemi in applicazioni di automazione e meccatronica


The bachelor's degree program in mechanical engineering is geared toward training engineers with a strong>solid physical-mathematical background, which allows for placement in wide-ranging work realities, with quick time to adapt to business realities.

In the first year priority is given to mathematical, physicochemical, and computer science foundations, but disciplines from the proper engineering area are already included: computer technologies, technical drawing, materials.

In the second year, in addition to consolidating basic knowledge, foundational elements are acquired in the areas: applied machine mechanics, mechanical technology, machine building, energy systems, technical physics, mechanical systems, electrical engineering and electronics.

In the third year content is included in curriculum-specific mechanical engineering related fields: hardware and software systems for automation, mechatronics, electrical drives, 3D CAD design.

The final exam offers the possibility of laboratory activities or company internships, during which you will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired and develop additional operational skills, which complete the preparation.


8784_Luca Bruzzone
Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Our community works passionately to train mechanical engineers with a solid cross-disciplinary knowledge base and with a special focus on disciplines pertaining to automation, mechatronics, and Industry 4.0, to meet the needs of a receptive and dynamic local and national manufacturing fabric. Come with us to design our future!

Luca Bruzzone

Where we are

University Campus La Spezia
Viale Nicolò Fieschi 16/18
19123 La Spezia
+39 0187 751265

Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering - DIME
Via Opera Pia 15A
16145 Genova

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Reference for teaching

Course Teaching Office
Dr. Alessia Rosi
+39 0187 751 265