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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-3
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme ILDA VAGGE
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The degree programme aims to provide students with a comprehensive training course that ensures all the cognitive tools necessary for the pursuit of the profession of landscape architect. The teachings of the curriculum cover the main disciplines of agronomic sciences, natural sciences, architecture and territorial planning, with an interdisciplinary approach typical of landscape architecture.

Learning by doing

The degree programme comprises teaching activities in:

  • mandatory and optional mono-disciplinary courses
  • analysis and design workshops
  • thematic seminars
  • technical visits
  • traineeships
  • national and international workshops

Professional outlets

  • Design of the urban green system, parks and gardens, green spaces pertaining to buildings, sports facilities, ecological networks and greenways, lake and marine coastal strips, therapeutic gardens
  • Redevelopment of brownfield sites, landfills
  • Landscaping of road infrastructures and energy production networks
  • Conservation restoration of historic gardens and parks
  • Environmental and landscape impact analysis and assessment
  • Landscape planning

What you will learn

landscape analysis and design

reading of the territory and project actions at different scales

landscape planning

analysis of processes related to landscape transformation

CAD-GIS computer tools

Management of georeferenced data and vector drawing


tools for landscape representation

garden and landscape history

Characteristics of landscape and gardens in their historical development

geomorphology and pedology

Geomorphological and soil analysis techniques

botany and plant species for the project

description, recognition and use of the main species

landscape ecology

analysis and interpretation of the plant landscape

naturalistic engineering

Techniques for low-impact land defence

defence and management of plant species

basic knowledge of pathogen control strategies

urban and rural sociology

Study of social sciences related to landscape design

economic-environmental analysis

Instruments and methodologies for economic reading of the environment


The IFLA - International Federation of Landscape Architects describes the professional figure of the landscape architect as follows: 'The landscape architect plans and designs urban and rural landscapes in space and time, based on the natural characteristics and historical and cultural values of the territory. To this end he refers to aesthetic, functional, scientific and management methods and principles, with appropriate use of both natural and man-made techniques and materials'.

Thanks to the courses offered, the degree course aims to train the professional figure of the landscape architect, who integrates knowledge and skills in the field of landscape design and management at different scales. The structure of the course of study favours the acquisition of the ability to collaborate with other professional figures from the fields of architecture, engineering and natural and agronomic sciences.


An exciting and engaging adventure: become a landscaper!

Ilda Vagge

Where we are

Lecture venues

University of Genoa
Stradone S. Agostino 37
16123 Genoa

University of Milan
Via Giovanni Celoria 2
20133 Milan

Success Stories

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Polytechnic Single Student Desk 
Stradone S. Agostino 37, Genoa


Headquarters representatives