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What you will study

The teachings are divided into one or more modules. Customization of the course of study is possible only for elective activities (6 cfu in the three-year period, equal to 48 hours of commitment in attendance of lectures, courses and other).

Lectures, both face-to-face and non-face, theoretical and theoretical-practical (active didactics) alternate with laboratories and traineeships. The latter are divided in the three-year period into 12, 23 and 28 cfu (1 cfu=25 hours) and have 100 percent compulsory attendance. Attendance at lessons of individual disciplines, on the other hand, is 75% compulsory (1 cfu=10 lecture hours + 15 hours of personal study).

The alternation of lectures, laboratories and internships fosters the acquisition of skills related to theoretical knowledge, know-how, and knowing how to be.

The modules are basically divided into basic and characterizing modules.

The teachings are:

  • physics, computer science, radiation protection and statistics
  • biology and genetics
  • anatomy histology
  • physiology and biochemistry
  • psychiatry I, psychology and rehabilitation propaedeutics
  • methodology of psychiatric rehabilitation
  • general pathology, neurology and medical and surgical sciences
  • children's neuropsychiatry
  • psychiatry II and psychopathology
  • rehabilitation and cognitive-behavioral therapies
  • .

And again:

  • psychotherapy
  • social marginalization
  • psychosocial interventions
  • applied psychiatric sciences
  • Body-expressive psychiatric rehabilitation methods and techniques
  • principles of health management and forensic medicine
  • .

For further study see the page on the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences website.