Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L/SNT4 MEDICAL PREVENTION PROFESSIONS Access Admission test Available places EU Students 15 Non-EU Students 1 EU Students 15 Non-EU Students 1 Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme FRANCESCO D'AGOSTINI Department DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA SALUTE Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
Avviso utilizzo posti residui professioni sanitarie Attachments Document UTILIZZO POSTI RESIDUI PER CANDIDATI CHE HANNO SVOLTO LA PROVA IN ALTRI ATENEI ITALIANI
Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea Professioni Sanitarie a.a. 2024/2025
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The course in brief Presentation The course prepares for the profession of Prevention Technician: a health worker responsible for prevention, verification and control activities in the areas of environmental hygiene and safety in living and working places, food and beverage hygiene, public and veterinary health. The preparation includes theoretical training - lectures, seminars - and a professionalizing internship at university laboratories, health care companies and other public and private workplaces. Learning by doing Visits to construction sites to assess risks and compliance with regulations, visits to companies to learn production techniques and product control, visits to aqueducts and solid and liquid waste disposal facilities, educational outings to the Ligurian Sea. Professional outlets Activity employee in the prevention, control, supervision and training services of public facilities (NHS, ARPA, public administrations) and companies. Manager or Safety, Prevention and Protection Officer of companies. Freelance organizational, management and safety consulting activities. Academic and teaching activities. Contents The degree program includes theoretical teachings and practical internship. Theoretical teachings Basic and propaedeutic disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics, anatomy, physiology, pathology), necessary to understand the main biological phenomena and mechanisms of functioning of the organism and major diseases. Specific and technical disciplines (general and environmental hygiene, occupational medicine, food science, ecology, environmental chemistry, environmental and industrial technical physics, radiation protection, first aid), necessary to identify and evaluate the characteristics of health interest of different environmental compartments, specific risks to the population and workers, and the prevention of occupational diseases and injuries. Social and legal disciplines (psychology and sociology of work, business organization, labor law, forensic medicine, health economics, criminal law and procedure), necessary to assess the socio-legal aspects of the profession and implement inspection, supervision and control tasks. Internship The internship (carried out in university laboratories, NHS facilities and private companies) aims to acquire basic knowledge on the use of equipment and techniques of sampling and analysis, as well as technical and practical experience in the various fields (Public Hygiene, Food Hygiene, Prevention and Safety in the Workplace, Corporate Prevention and Protection Services, Veterinary Hygiene). Coordinator Image If you are looking for a challenging, modern and interesting profession, this degree program may be the right choice. As a Prevention Technician you will find yourself working in different realities and very varied fields, being able to opt between the public sector (prevention, control and supervision), the private sector (with organizational and managerial tasks or as a safety and quality manager), academia (as a lecturer) and freelance work (as a consultant and trainer). Francesco D'Agostini Where we are Department of Health Sciences - DISSAL Via Antonio Pastore 1 16132 Genoa FAQ 1) What work does a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) do?. The work of the TPALL graduate is mainly in the following sectors (both public and private): occupational safety, food safety, environmental safety, veterinary public health, in the prevention and protection services, either as a manager or as a safety officer. The increasing number of graduates over time has contributed to the spread of greater knowledge of the TPALL professional profile in the private sector as well, opening up the profession as a consultant both inside and outside companies. Finally, the TPALL graduate can work as a trainer in the areas of expertise (according to industry regulations, which sometimes include additional requirements) or in the area of Quality. The professional profile of the TPALL is regulated by Ministerial Decree No. 58 of January 17, 1997. 2) What does a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) not do?. A TPALL graduate, in the absence of a Master's Degree in Prevention Health Professions, cannot hold management positions in the public sector. Another role he is precluded from holding, despite having the inherent skills, is that of Coordinator in the Execution Phase at Construction Sites. Again in the absence of specific complementary courses, he cannot work as a lecturer/trainer under I.D. 6/3/2013, Prevention and Protection Service Manager (RSPP), environmental acoustics expert, etc. 3) What kind of motivations do those who choose to graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) have?. There are different kinds of motivations. A moral motivation: those who want to major in this field want to understand and study the standard and technique behind the operation of the processes that regulate Safety and Hygiene standards in their respective areas of expertise, in order to contribute to their continuous improvement in both work and living places. Those who choose this path are eager to be active participants in the fight against occupational injuries and deaths, Foodborne Diseases (FCDs) and environmental pollution. A motivation inherent in work dynamics: the areas of expertise of the TPALL graduate are among the most transversal and multidisciplinary in the field of health professions: one never stops learning and, in daily work, one is constantly faced with different challenges. Prevention work involves alternating between field work and office work, as well as a stimulating interconnection with a great many other professional profiles that make the work very interesting. 4) Where can I get a job with a degree in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL)? In Public Administrations: prevention departments (ASL/USL/ATS/ASO), Territorial Entities, Regions (Regional Agencies), Ministry of Health (BIP, USMAF, UVAC), State Police, Universities. In the private sector: in-house Prevention and Protection Services of Companies; professional consulting firms in the field of Occupational Safety and Food Hygiene; freelance activities; trainer activities. 5) What types of users does a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) work with?. Unlike other Health Professions, TPALL does not deal with people with diseases (patients) but exclusively with healthy people (users), whether they are free citizens or workers, and manages their interaction with their surroundings. 6) In which public bodies can a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) work?. In the following public bodies: Prevention Departments (ASL/USL/ATS/ASO), Territorial Entities, Regions (Regional Agencies), Ministry of Health (BIP, USMAF, UVAC), State Police, Universities. 7) What outlets does a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) have in the private sector?. In the private sector, the outlets may be: In-house Prevention and Protection Services of Companies, professional consulting firms in Occupational Safety and Food Hygiene, freelance activities, trainer activities, environmental safety, quality offices. May perform consulting activities both on a self-employed basis and as an employee collaborator of professional consulting firms. 8) Which advanced studies can a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) have access to? The TPALL graduate can access first-level master's degree and the Master's Degree in Prevention Health Professions (qualifying for entry into management). After obtaining the Master's Degree, one can access second-level Master's degrees. Examples of first- and second-level Master's degrees are: Master's Degree in Management for Coordination Functions, Specialized Master's Degree (already provided for by Law No. 43/2006, to be activated), First- and Second-Level Master's Degrees on specific topics, such as REACH/CLP, Risks and Environmental Regulations. Also available are professionalizing Courses in Training, Acoustics, Asbestos Manager. 9) How many chances does a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) have of finding a job?. Thanks to the growing public interest in the subject and the strengthening of laws and controls, employment opportunities after graduation continue to increase: today a TPALL graduate has numerous chances of finding a job. In the next 10 to 15 years, turnover within the Public Administrations, particularly the ASLs, should allow the issuance of numerous calls for applications, both permanent and fixed-term. Excellent alternatives consist of collaboration with private professional consulting firms or freelancing. 10) What career possibilities does a graduate in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces (TPALL) have?. In the Public Administration (Health Companies, ARPA), the main advancements are related to the assumption of function positions or professional assignments, depending on the National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL) in force in the area of employment. Generally, one can gain access to organizational functions or Health Professions Management. Obtaining these positions is subject to the possession of additional qualifications (Master's Degree of First and Second Level, Master's Degree). In the private sector, the main opportunities come from successful freelance businesses or promotion based on work performed. Many technicians start as a Prevention and Protection Service Officer (ASPP) and obtain, with time and commitment, the title of Prevention and Protection Service Manager (RSPP) at companies. Read more DISSAL Teaching Secretariat.