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What you will study

Basics of chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and statistics, to recognize the existence and assess the extent of environmental and occupational factors of physical, chemical and biological risk.

The basics of anatomy, physiology and pathology, for understanding the main mechanisms of functioning of human organs and apparatuses and the main pathological changes in the body.

The basic concept of the health status of individuals and a population; epidemiology and prevention of major diseases.

The elementary basics of first aid and radiation protection.

The disciplines necessary to identify and evaluate the characteristics of health concern of different environmental compartments (air, water, soil, food, confined environments, work environments, age).

The environmental problems that may affect health, as well as the resources and responses of health services aimed at preventing health effects on the individual and the population.

The problems of work environments associated with the health of workers and the methods and resources for the prevention of occupational diseases and injuries.

The assessment and reduction of risks in living and working environments.

The current regulations on environmental and workplace hygiene, food and water hygiene, waste management and disposal, and occupational safety.

The methods of inspection, supervision and control.

The methods of using laboratory instruments and equipment.

The techniques of sampling, sampling and analysis of air, water, soil, food and environmental and biological matrices.

The collection, management and interpretation of data.

The methods of quality assessment and review.

The psychological, social, ethical, economic, and organizational aspects of the profession.

The basics of research methodology aimed at prevention.