CODE 41126 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 9 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E FINANZIARIE 11662 (L-33) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 1 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE 8697 (L-18) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 METODOLOGIE FILOSOFICHE 8465 (LM-78) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 1 ECONOMIA DELLE AZIENDE MARITTIME, LOGISTICA E TRASP. 8698 (L-18) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR SECS-P/01 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester SECTIONING Questo insegnamento è diviso nelle seguenti frazioni: A B C PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: Business Administration 8697 (coorte 2024/2025) PUBLIC FINANCE - ECONOMICS OF TAXATION 64836 Business Administration 8697 (coorte 2024/2025) MACROECONOMICS 55648 B MACROECONOMICS 55648 A MACROECONOMICS 55648 C Business Administration 8697 (coorte 2024/2025) ECONOMIC POLICY 64452 Maritime, Logistics and Transport Economics and Business 8698 (coorte 2024/2025) MACROECONOMICS 55648 B MACROECONOMICS 55648 A MACROECONOMICS 55648 C Maritime, Logistics and Transport Economics and Business 8698 (coorte 2024/2025) TRANSPORT ECONOMICS 63739 Economics 8699 (coorte 2024/2025) MARKET FORMS, PRICES, AND WAGES 64797 Economics 8699 (coorte 2024/2025) ECONOMIC POLICY 60066 Economics 8699 (coorte 2024/2025) MACROECONOMICS 55648 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Microeconomics provides basics for understanding the functioning of the economic system. Particular attention is paid to the study of the behavior of consumers and firms and the analysis of the role of the market in the resources allocation process. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide the first elements for understanding the functioning of the economic system. Particular attention is paid to the study of the behavior of economic actors (consumers and firms) and the analysis of the role of the market in the resources allocation process. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide the background for the understanding of how the economic system works. In particular, the emphasis will be on the behaviour of economic agents (consumers and firms) and the role of the market in the allocation of resources, as well as on the analysis of different market forms TEACHING METHODS Lectures SYLLABUS/CONTENT 1. Scarcity and economics; The coordination of individual choices. The evolution of economic thought. The economic models. 2. The theory of consumer behavior. Price-consumption curve and income-consumption curve; individual demand and market demand. Elasticity and expenditure; introduction to behavioral economics. 3. Basic theory of the firm. Production and costs (long-run and short-run). Perfect competition: the individual and the market supply curve. The profit-maximisation hypothesis. The firm and the industry in the long run. 4 Factor demand and supply. Intertemporal choices and uncertainty choices. 5. Market power: monopoly, natural monopoly, product differentiation and monopolistic competition; price discrimination, duopoly (Cournot, Bertrand, Stackelberg). Collusion and prisoner dilemma; sequential games. Management theories. Oligopoly. 7. General equilibrium and welfare. 8. Asymmetric information (adverse selection and moral hazard), externalities, public goods. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Frank R H., Cartwright E., Microeconomia, McGraw-Hill, VII edizione TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MAURIZIO CONTI Ricevimento: Exam Board MAURIZIO CONTI (President) CONCETTA MENDOLICCHIO LESSONS LESSONS START September 2023 Class schedule MICROECONOMICS A EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Assessment Written exam ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam will assess students' ability to apply their knowledge to real cases and exercises Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 18/12/2024 11:00 GENOVA Scritto 13/01/2025 11:00 GENOVA Scritto 28/01/2025 11:00 GENOVA Scritto 06/06/2025 11:00 GENOVA Scritto 20/06/2025 11:00 GENOVA Scritto 07/07/2025 11:00 GENOVA Scritto 03/09/2025 11:00 GENOVA Scritto FURTHER INFORMATION Attendance is recommended. Registration in the Unige learning platform Aulaweb is recommended Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education Climate action