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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-18
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language English
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme BARBARA CATANIA
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy
Information about this Course for previous years is available here INFORMATICA 9014

Programme overview


Our Master of Science is organized in two curricula:

  • Data Science & Engineering, centered on the management, analysis, and visualization of massive amounts of digital data for artificial intelligence or data analytics
  • Software Security & Engineering, devoted to the development of high-quality, innovative software systems through state of the art technologies, security assessment, hardening techniques, and standardized processes

Learning by doing

The program blends traditional classes with:

  • labs activities and projects development, possibly in collaboration with the industry
  • seminars and short courses on selected topics

Career perspectives

Depending on the plan of study, graduates qualify as senior data scientist, business intelligence analyst, AI engineer, information security officer, technical leader, project manager in the industry or in research centers, or pursue their studies toward a PhD.

The 2030 Agenda ONU for Sustainable Development

The design of the MSc in Computer Science and related teaching activities promote the following goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

  • Goal 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


What you will learn

cloud & high performance computing

programming techniques for large-scale applications 

distributed systems

from distributed algorithms and protocols to multi-agent systems, networks, and blockchain 

machine learning

statistical foundation, efficient algorithms, deep learning

data pipelines and data governance

data lifecycle from acquisition through Internet of Things to data management and data protection 

data analysis (DSE)

from data warehousing to data visualization 

mobile development (SSE)

technologies and programming for mobile devices 

images and natural language processing (DSE)

text analytics and computer vision 

software engineering (SSE)

concepts, methods, and technologies for developing high-quality software 

computer graphics and augmented reality (DSE)

from geometric modelling to human-computer interaction 

software security (SSE)

analyze, fix, and prevent security problems in software system 

Legend: DSE refers to the Data Science and Engineering curriculum, SSE refers to the Software Security and Engineering curriculum 

Did you know that...

several lecturers are leading scientists in their field

multi-disciplinary and team work is encouraged

seminars and short-courses on hot topics are organized year-round

work side-by-side with faculty and staff is common practice

students come from all over the world

a vast job market will be easily accessible


Data science and engineering

The know-how and competence required to effectively manage and analyse data are pivotal in the development of technologies able to support the decision making process, and to improve quality of life by producing smarter systems or delivering better services.

You will learn to

  • model, process, and extract knowledge from data,
  • deal with heterogeneous, complex, and noisy data, and
  • interact with domain experts and understand their problems and demands

by focusing on artificial intelligence or data analytics.

Software security and engineering

Digital technologies underlie all aspects of our life: from the ubiquitous apps everybody uses many times a day, to the less obvious software embedded into appliances, vehicles, and critical systems. Unsecure, poorly performing, badly designed software has become a threat to smooth management, safety, and security of our society. High-quality software needs to be carefully produced and maintained, through professional processes and cutting edge technologies.

You will learn

  • security assessment of software systems and hardening techniques,
  • development of secure-by-design software,
  • high-quality methodologies for software development,
  • cutting-edge technologies, and
  • software project management.

Head of programme

prof.ssa Catania

Welcome to the Master of Science Programme in Computer Science @UniGe. Whether your ambition is to become an expert in Data Science and Engineering, or in Software Security and Engineering, you are going experience our friendly and inclusive atmosphere and share our enthusiasm for learning. Our community - students, faculty, teaching assistants, and staff - strives for blending educational and research programs.

Barbara Catania

Where to find us

Valletta Puggia
Via Dodecaneso, 35
16146 Genova GE

Learn more

If you want to know more about our program, please get in touch with our Didactic support units by sending an email to