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Il tirocinio professionale

Il tirocinio professionale, previsto dalla direttiva 2005/36/CE della durata complessiva di un semestre a tempo pieno, è obbligatorio e deve essere svolto al quinto anno.

Comporta un impegno corrispondente a 30 CFU (circa 900 ore) di pratica professionale in una farmacia aperta al pubblico od ospedaliera.

Per poter svolgere il tirocinio devi avere i seguenti requisiti:

How to activate a curricular internship

To activate the internship:


1. Read the regulation.

2. Choose the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist if it is affiliated, either through the Provincial Order or individually, with the University. If not (or if in doubt) contact the St. Martin's Internship Office.

3. Make arrangements with the pharmacist about the period of performance and the company mentor who will follow you.

4. Fill out the training project on the computer in its entirety, sign and have the pharmacist sign and stamp it, then send it to, exclusively in format .pdf (NO .jpeg), at least 15 days before the start of the internship.

WARNING:one copy of the training project is sufficient. The .pdf file must be unique (not one file per page).

5.The Internship Office will send a confirmation email to the pharmacist (copy to you as well) within the start date of the internshipas a sign of acceptance of the documents themselves.

6. IMPORTANT:Once you have received the file from the pharmacy, check the completeness of the data and fields on the form. In particular, we recommend that you follow the university directions and instructions and not any interpretations that are given by the host company.

7. If you have any doubts, Before sending your documentation, please write to (the real risk is to have to redo the procedure). Thank you for your cooperation.

Copy and paste the one you choose into the Training Project space. For other conventions not listed, contact the St. Martin's Internship Office.

  • Prot 08/2002 between Faculty of Famacia and professional orders of pharmacists of the prov. of AL/GE/SV/SP/IM
  • Prot 09/2005 between Faculty of Famacia and the Professional Order of Pharmacists of Cuneo
  • Prot 05/2005 between Faculty of Famacia and the Professional Order of Pharmacists of Asti
  • .
  • Rep. 1906/2022 between the University of Genoa and I.R.C.C.S. Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
  • Rep. 1131/2019 between the University of Genoa and ASL 5 Spezzino
  • .
  • Rep. 4314/2020 between the University of Genoa and ASL 3 Genovese
  • Rep. 193/2019 between the University of Genoa and ASL 2 Savonese
  • Rep. 2202/2021 between the University of Genoa and ASL 1 Imperiese
  • Rep. 4655/2017 between the University of Genoa and Ente Ospedaliero "Ospedali Galliera"
  • .
  • Rep. 2075/2018 between the University of Genoa and Istituto "Giannina Gaslini"

End of internship

At the end of the internship - for career registration:


1.At the end of the activity, within 15 days from the end of the internship, resume the training project and fill in the diary (in the appropriate space of the file) at the PC (it is recommended touse the function in the Main Menu of Adobe Acrobat Reader "Signature - Fill in and Sign". You will then be able to fill out the journal directly in the appropriate space in the file).

2. Get it signed and stamped by the pharmacist, then send the complete file (training project + journal) to the Educational Tutors specified in the training project, putting in the same email for your knowledge (cc) also and the pharmacy itself.

3.The Questionnaire for Pharmacy host instead must be completed, signed and stamped by the pharmacist, and then sent to the Difar Teaching Secretariat at with the same timelines at the end of the internship.


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General contacts

Internship Department
Piazza della Nunziata, 6 (3rd floor)
Tel. +39 010 20951846

Contact persons

Viale Benedetto XV, 7 - internal driveway