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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-77
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme SILVIA BRUZZI
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The problems faced by managers, the theories to interpret them, the methodologies and tools to manage them. All this characterises the Management course, marked by a range of disciplines - business, economics, law, quantitative - strongly interdependent in content. A mix to approach the different dimensions of companies, grasp their connections, bring them to synthesis and provide indispensable skills for the various areas of management.

Learning by doing

The course combines a plurality of forms and tools to support learning.
The course uses various participatory and innovative teaching methods: project work, business games, business plans, individual and group work. Various participative and innovative teaching methods are used: project work, business games, business plans, individual and group work.
There are numerous opportunities to meet with managers and entrepreneurs in business cases and seminars.
Apprenticeships and business experiences play a major role.

Professional outlets

With a Master's degree in Management you can occupy positions of responsibility in companies from all sectors and in consultancy. You can aspire to roles such as: Export manager, Marketing manager, Marketing analyst, Brand manager, Retail manager, Sales manager, Buyer, Operations officer, HR & Organisation manager, Customer care manager, Project manager, Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR - Manager, Management consultant.
The course also offers the basis for the development of entrepreneurial activities.


What you will learn


Keyword in modern business, the basis of today's business strategies


combining global and local is the new way of doing business


networks and relationships inside and outside the company


Competitive factor par excellence, main source of value creation


'normal' condition in which companies operate by dynamically interacting with the environment


multiplicity of interdependent factors at play in business contexts

Did you know that...

Management graduates at 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation boast better employment and salary rates than their peers graduating from similar paths in Italy

In Management you will learn how to work in a team and present your projects in a professional manner

Get in touch with innovative companies

You will find many opportunities to enrich your CV

You can participate in group work, business games, simulations and interactive activities

Teachers periodically meet with representatives of the world of work through the Consulta


The course in Management provides you with advanced training for assuming management and leadership responsibilities in industrial and service enterprises. It prepares you to understand and manage the complex environment in which businesses operate, with particular reference toinnovation and globalisation, by:

  • acquisition of advanced models and tools for managing decision-making processes in the various corporate functions (marketing, organisation, human resources management, operations)
  • deep knowledge of the logic of business management (efficiency, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, sustainability) and the strategic options available to pursue them (networking, internationalisation, innovation, process management, project management)
  • knowledge and understanding of legal and economic-quantitative issues supporting business decision-making processes
  • application of knowledge and acquisition of soft skills through innovative teaching methods (project work, business games, business plans, individual and group work) and through meetings with managers and entrepreneurs in seminars and workshops




Welcome to the Master's Degree Course in Management!

Silvia Bruzzi

Where we are

Department of Economics
Via Vivaldi 5 (Darsena)
16126 Genova

Success Stories

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Student Desk
Dock Building
Via Vivaldi 5 - 2nd level
Student Desk - DIEC website

Services offered: 

  • Information on the Department of Economics and its services
  • Study plan-related practices
  • Practices related to the degree examination