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Reports and complaints

Your opinion is very important to us because it enables us to improve the quality of training activities, teaching structure and services.

If you would like to report:

  • observations on teaching and student services
  • problems to be reported to the governing bodies of your course

you can do so by following the complaints reporting procedure.

How to submit the report

For simple operational problems of a didactic nature write or call the Student Desk.

Alternatively, you can address:

  • directly to the Course Coordinator
  • the Head of the Instructional Coordination Sector (DIEC)
  • the Department Director,in the most serious cases

If you prefer to speak with a student, who will act as spokesperson for your instances, you can address the representatives in the Course Council.

If you intend to make reports/complaints in writing, you can use this form by emailing it to the person you want to address.