Course Council Coordinator It is responsible for:convene and coordinate the committees and those in charge of the various activities of the CoS and also communicates the resultsconvene the Council, whose relations with internal members he/she takes care ofanalyze the report of the School Joint Committee and bring the outcome of its review to the CCSanalyze all questionnaires and verify that the teaching forms are filled out correctlyorganize the activities of verification of initial preparationevaluate teaching schedules and that they do not overlappropose improvement initiatives to the CoSorganize orientation activities and those promoting the CoSorganize remedial activities for OFAs reviews periodically the training course and organizes its deliveryorganizes the orientation and promotion activities of the CoS. Contact Lara Penco - The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep management processes under control. Course of Study QA Committee It is in charge of:compiling and updating the Single Annual Report Card (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)editing the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitoring the progress of proposed improvement activitiesanalyzing teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, reports of the School Joint Committee. monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and administrative technical staff identify the training demand and training objectivesdevelop the training course Committee members Teresina Torre - Daniela Ambrosino - Clara Benevolo - Silvia Bruzzi - Lara Penco - Luisa Piccinno - Francesca Marciani - (instructional manager) Teaching Commission It is responsible for:verify teaching facilities and student servicesverify, with the CdSs, the CFUs in relation to teaching load and progression in semestersrevise, with the CdSs, the access requirements and the modalities for mid-term and final examinationscheck, with the CdSs, the information in the teaching schedulescheck the educational offerings of the CdSscheck the teaching coverage proposals received from the CdSscheck the proposed changes in the curriculapropose to the individual CCSs initiatives for the enrichment of students' education also through soft skills Committee members Departmental DirectorAlberto Quagli - quaglia@economia.unige.itDepartmental Deputy DirectorGiorgia Profumo - giorgia.profumo@economia.unige.itDidactic ManagerAnna Tanasini - (Instructional Manager)Coordinators of the Department's CdSFrancesco Avallone - francesco.avallone@economia.unige.itMarco Di Antonio - diantoni@economia.unige.itGiorgia Profumo - giorgia.profumo@economia.unige.itAnna Sciomachen - sciomach@economia.unige.itTeresina Torre - teresina.torre@economia.unige.itAndrea Zanini - Steering Committee It is responsible for:expressing the needs from society and the world of work and cultureproviding an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training. designing initiatives for educational offeringsstrengthening the link between universities and companies operating in the areafostering the entry of graduates into the world of work, including through the identification of required skills (e.g., soft skills) express the needs from society and the world of work and cultureprovide an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for trainingverify the updated professional outlets of the CoS Committee members Primary local and national associations:National Association of Administrative and Financial Managers (ANDAF)Main Auditing FirmsOrdine of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of GenoaCommune of GenoaAgenzia delle RevenueLabour ConsultantsItalian Association of Financial Analysts (AIAF)Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA)Confindustria of Genoa Some members of the local productive fabricComponents of the CCS AFC Guidance and mentoring committee She is in charge of:organizing orientation activities with schools and school/work alternationorganizing activities to promote the CoS to the outside worldcoordinating reception tutoring and educational tutoring coordinate ongoing tutoring activities. Committee members Barbara Cavalletti - (president)Gabriele Cardullo - cardullo@economia.unige.itAngelo Gasparre - angelo.gasparre@economia.unige.itLuca Persico - persico@economia.unige.itPaola Ramassa - ramassa@economia.unige.itMarina Resta - resta@economia.unige.itElisa Roncagliolo - roncagliolo@economia.unige.itSerena Scotto - scotto@economia.unige.itElena Tanfani - International Relations Commission She is responsible for:promoting and coordinating outbound and inbound student mobility through the Erasmus+ program or other international programspromoting the internationalization of the LSC through outbound promotional activities and faculty mobility Committee members Enrico Musso - musso@economia.unige.itMarina Resta - Delegate for internships It is responsible for:accompanying students and graduates to the world of work. Serena Scotto - Apprenticeship and internship manager It is in charge of:organizing the sending of end-of-experience questionnaires on the opinions of traineesprocessing the results proposing intervention actions to the CCS Responsible Giorgia Profumo - Tutor teachers They are in charge of:organizing initial preparation verification activitiescarrying out reception tutoring activitiesreporting critical issues to the CSD that need the activation of educational tutoring Lecturers Clara Benevolo - clara.benevolo@economia.unige.itNicoletta Buratti - nicoletta.buratti@economia.unige.itRiccardo Spinelli - Commission for the verification of initial preparation It is in charge of:analyzing and updating the mode and content of access testsorganizing access tests:establish the timetablecorrect the tests held publish the results Committee members Angelo Gasparre - angelo.gasparre@economia.unige.itLara Penco - lara.penco@economia.unige.itLuca Persico - luca.persico@economia.unige.itLuisa Piccinno - luisa.piccinno@economia.unige.itGiorgio Semino - Coordinator's delegate to monitor learning agreements. It is responsible for:validating study abroad programscollaborating with Erasmus+ contact persons Delegate Riccardo Spinelli - Responsible for monitoring student careers It is in charge of:monitoring students' careersidentifying critical issues and proposing possible improvement interventions to the CoS Responsible Teresina Torre - Responsible for verifying access requirements It is responsible for:analyzing the documentation for course admissionsidentifying the correlation with the preparation in possession and the requirements under the educational regulations marking the educational debts and indicating the disciplines useful for their recoverysubmitting the resolutions to the CCS for ratification Responsible Angelo Gasparre - Website manager It is responsible for:updating and verifying the information on the study course websitechecking that transparency requirements are met write the texts of the website and choose possible testimonialscollaborate with relevant offices to prepare the website Responsible Teresina Torre - Responsible for international activities It deals with:detect courses similar to the course present in the educational offerings of the main foreign venues promote the internationalization of the CdS through promotional activities towards foreign countries and faculty mobilityidentify the main summer schools and other educational initiatives that deepen the topics covered, also with a view to entering into agreements with the providing venues to facilitate students' access to favorable conditions Responsible Riccardo Spinelli - Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Prof.ssa Francesca Querci - Department of Economics