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Info 2024/2025

Duration 6 years
CFU 360
Class LM-46
Access Admission test
Available places EU Students 30
Non-EU Students 5 EU Students 30
Non-EU Students 5 EU Students 30
Non-EU Students 5
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme MARIA MENINI
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The course focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomatognathic system. The curriculum provides 360 cfu to be acquired in 6 years and includes: basic sciences, on the structure and functioning of the human organism and the mechanisms underlying diseases; characterizing disciplines, which are useful for elaborating diagnoses, designing and executing a proper treatment plan in the field of dentalstomatological diseases, and rehabilitating partially and totally edentulous patients.

Learning by doing

In addition to traditional face-to-face lectures, the course includes: interactive lectures based on the Problem Based Learning method, preclinical practical internships to be carried out on mannequins, and a characterizing clinical internship at University facilities, Genoa Health Authorities, and IRCCSs, where students work directly on patients under the supervision of clinical tutors.

Professional outlets

The graduate in Dentistry and Prosthodontics mainly performs freelance work. He or she may enter a university career and, with the acquisition of a specialization inherent to odontostomatology, also public hospital competitions.

What you will learn

chimica e biochimica

le reazioni chimiche alla base del funzionamento del nostro organismo


i meccanismi caratterizzanti il funzionamento degli organismi viventi

anatomia umana

la morfologia del corpo umano e in particolare dell'apparato stomatognatico


il funzionamento del nostro organismo

patologia generale e spec. odontostomatologica

eziologia e sviluppo delle malattie

chirurgia generale e orale

terapia mediante interventi operatori

odontoiatria conservativa

odontoiatria restaurativa, si occupa principalmente di curare la carie


intercettare e correggere difetti di occlusione e allineamento dentale


odontoiatria pediatrica

protesi dentaria

sostituzione di tessuti dentari persi o compromessi


lo studio dei tessuti di sostegno del dente

implantologia dentale

l'utilizzo di radici artificiali

Did you know that.

Il tasso occupazionale dei laureati del corso è molto elevato già a pochi anni dalla laurea

A Odontoiatria si studia e lavora in un'atmosfera informale, a stretto contatto con docenti e staff

Il lavoro di gruppo e interdisciplinare è favorito e incoraggiato

Frequenterai corsi intensivi su argomenti innovativi

La laurea magistrale è una realtà internazionale, con studenti da tutto il mondo

Incontrerai ospiti internazionali, accademici e dell'industria


The objectives and structure of the curriculum are based on the contents of the new Ministerial Decree Determination of Master's Degree Classes, which defines master's degree programs in compliance with European Union directives.

The teachings of the course enable the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for:

  • detect a proper medical history
  • manage the medical record
  • perform the objective examination of the oral cavity
  • detect the need for instrumental examinations and know how to interpret them
  • recognize oral cavity situations other than normal
  • diagnose pathologies of the stomatognathic system (dental, oral cavity, and TMJ pathologies)
  • evaluate the patient's general health and possible interactions with dental diseases and therapies
  • know the drugs related to dental activity
  • know the biomaterials used in dental activity
  • formulate an appropriate treatment plan and know how to refer the patient to other expertise when necessary
  • diagnose and manage dental, orofacial, and cranio-mandibular pain
  • diagnose and manage common dental and oral diseases
  • motivate and instruct the patient in proper oral hygiene
  • remove hard and soft deposits (oral hygiene)
  • .
  • perform restorative therapies best suited to the specific clinical case, endodontic therapies, orthodontic diagnosis and therapy, simple extractions, fixed and removable prosthetic rehabilitations on natural teeth and implants
  • planning proper implant-prosthetic rehabilitation
  • manage dental emergencies.


8746_Maria Menini

Dear students, welcome to the Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Genoa. In the 6-year course you will acquire the skills necessary for dental patient care in a lively and stimulating environment where teaching and research are in continuous interrelationship with a common goal: to promote oral health and to prepare you in the best possible way for a complex and fascinating profession, which if approached with commitment and professionalism will know how to give you great satisfaction.

Maria Menini

Where we are

Course venue
. San Martino Hospital - Hall 4
Department of Integrated Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences - DISC
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10
16132 Genoa

Teaching Secretariat
. Department of Integrated Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences - DISC
Viale Benedetto XV, 6 - II floor
16132 Genoa

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Educational Secretariat
. DISC - Viale Benedetto XV, 6 - 2nd floor
16132 Genoa
+39 010 3357377