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Admission test

How it works

Read the admission notice carefully so as not to miss any key passages.

On 10 September 2024, the national nominative merit list (ASSIGNED and APPOINTED candidates) for EU citizens and assimilated citizens will be published in the student area of the Cineca portal.

The national merit list will be published on 10 September 2024.
ASSIGNED candidates and pre-enrolled candidates will be able to enrol by 23:59 of the deadline day specified in each notice, as follows:

  • students who have taken the admission test at the University of Genoa
    • verify and complete the data already present in the pre-registration previously entered
    • .
  • students who have taken the admission test at other Universities and "QUARTINI" (students who took the TOLC in 2023/24 but have applied for inclusion in the 2024/25 ranking):
    • make the registration on the UniGe portal
    • .
    • enter the pre-registration online after registering on the Portal to obtain UniGePass credentials (login and password)
    • .
  • After that, in both cases:

    1. proceed with the confirmation of registration through online services.
    2. .
    3. make the payment of the amounts due within the same deadline through the same online procedure.
    4. .

    Please note: payment by bank transfer is not permitted.
    WARNING: no other registration methods will be allowed.


    • ASSIGNED candidates must and PRENOTATED candidates may register at the universities in accordance with the administrative procedures specific to their university location.

      The following table shows the administrative procedures for both ASSIGNED and PRENOTED candidates. Both for ASSIGNED and pre-enrolled candidates, who exercise the possibility of enrolling, with reference to the specific sliding scale, the deadline is set at a maximum of 4 (four) days, including the day of the sliding scale and excluding Saturdays and public holidays.

      Non-registration of pre-enrolled candidates, if not exercised within the 4-day deadline as stated above, shall entail the renunciation of the same and the forfeiture of the ranking.
      REGISTERED candidates who do not exercise this option shall not forfeit their place on the ranking list.
    • Not later than 5 days after the deadline referred to in point a), and in any case not later than 12:00 noon on the fifth day following each sliding, including the day of publication of the sliding list and excluding Saturdays and public holidays, all candidates, with the exception of those enrolled, those who have renounced their enrolment, and candidates who fall into the status of "sold out places", must confirm their interest in remaining in the ranking in the reserved area of the dedicated portal. In the absence of confirmation, the candidate shall be excluded from the next steps in the national rank list and shall not retain any right to enrolment.
      . The justifying reason for non-confirmation of interest, in case of impediment, is of no relevance, since the computer procedure is of minimum duration and can be delegated to trusted third parties within the five days allowed to perform the confirmation operation.
      An automatic notice of this exclusion, once the deadline has expired, shall be given in the reserved area.
      An appeal against this notice, without the need for any further communication or objection from the Ministry of University and Research, may be lodged with the Lazio Regional Administrative Court within 60 days or with the President of the Republic within 120 days of its publication in the reserved area for each candidate; in the absence of an appeal against the exclusion within the deadline, an appeal lodged against other reasons for non-enrolment in one of the chosen degree courses does not invalidate the exclusion.
    • PRE-ENROLLED candidates who do not enrol do not forfeit their place in the ranking until the date of its closure, provided that they have expressed their confirmation of interest in enrolling as set out in the preceding point.
    • .

    After the test

    View the ranking list

    View the ranking list by visiting the dedicated page on UniGe Online Services.

    Simulazione Test

    L'Università degli Studi di Genova e Informagiovani del Comune di Genova organizzano una serie di simulazioni dei test di ingresso per accedere ai corsi di studio a numero programmato che si svolgeranno presso:

    Palazzo Ducale - Casa Luzzati - Piazza G. Matteotti, 24 r - 16123 Genova 
    Le prenotazioni saranno aperte una settimana prima della data di svolgimento.