What is For admission to the graduate examination, you must have completed all the credits required by the educational regulations of your degree program. The undergraduate examination involves the presentation and discussion, before a committee, of a written paper under the guidance of a lecturer.To be admitted you must have:taken all courses and passed the examsobtained 360 CFUs spread over 6 years of courseworkdemonstrated knowledge of a foreign languagecompleted the online application for graduation by the deadlines set for each sessionYou will have about 250 hours (10 CFUs) to write your thesis. You will be able to prepare the thesis:in the facilities of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Departments of the University of Genoa and other Universitiesin both Italian and foreign affiliated hospitalsin both Italian and foreign scientific institutionsN.BYou will also be able to write the thesis in a foreign language other than Italian. Graduation session You will have to pre-prepare two copies of the thesis, bound with red cover and with the title page signed by you and the thesis advisor:one to be handed to the thesis advisor a few days before the sessionone as a personal copyYou will have to discuss the contents of your thesis, summarized in a series of slides, in a maximum time of 10 minutes.The graduation committees will be made public in the dedicated page and in the school website.
Technical Directions. Abstract By seven days prior to one's graduation session, fill in the fields related to the Thesis Abstract in both Italian and English through the Student Web Portal. You are requested to respect the timeframe for sending the abstracts (at least seven days before the session) in order to give the committee time to evaluate the papers. By the day before your session, upload through the Student Web Portal the thesis pdf file. Subsequent to uploading, the Rapporteur must approve the documentation on line in the same manner as the approval of the graduation application. For any assistance in uploading thesis and abstracts write to assistenza@unige.it Copies of the thesis You must printtwo copies of your thesis. One stays with you and the other you must give to your thesis advisor a few days before the graduation session. The copy must be red and you have no constraints on structure or font. N.B.If your session is held remotely, delivery to the speaker is not required.
Evaluation To determine the graduation grade, expressed in hundredths, contribute:the grade point average of the curricular examinations, expressed in hundredthsup to -3 points for the duration of studies (0.5 points less for each year out of course beyond the first)up to 2 points for each honors obtained in the proficiency examinations (0.2 points per cum laude)from 0 to 2 pointsfor international exchange programs (in relation to the number and duration)up to a maximum of 8 points awarded by the committee at the thesis discussion The overall grade is:determined by the sum of the points discussed aboverounded up or down to the nearest whole number. Honor may be awarded by unanimous opinion of the committee if you have achieved a final score greater than or equal to 110/ 110.