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Final project

What is

In order to be admitted to the final examination, you must have duly attended the training activities and obtained the credits prescribed by the regulations.

The final examination consists of a discussion, before a committee, of a paper on your experimental work carried out in a university laboratory or outside UniGe.

The committee will assess your technical-scientific and professional preparation.

What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate, you must:

  1. Deposit the title of your thesis
  2. Choose the degree session
  3. .
  4. Fill out the AlmaLaurea questionnaire online
  5. Fill out the degree application online
  6. .
  7. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  8. .
  9. Fill out the assessment questionnaire for your degree.
  10. .


  1. Check that you are current on your tax payments
  2. .
  3. Pay the stamp duty of € 16 for the issuance of the degree certificate (payable via the online services - payment of fees and contributions)
  4. .
  5. Check that you have taken all the exams and educational activities
  6. Check that they are all marked on your online career no later than 15 days before the date of your graduation session


The final evaluation is expressed in hundredths and takes into account:

  • your curriculum
  • demonstrated commitment to the stage
  • your ability to expose the work
  • the judgment of the doctoral tutor

The committee awards a maximum score for the final examination of 10 points.

In particular, you may be awarded:

  • 1 point if you have completed your studies within the prescribed time limit (3 academic years)
  • 1 point if you have completed a training period abroad (minimum 3 months)

When the score reaches (or exceeds) 110, the committee unanimously may award the lode upon the proposal of the lecturer.

N.B.You can graduate only if you have scored no less than 66 points out of 110.