Course Council Coordinator He is in charge of carrying out the functions assigned to him by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations: coordinates the committees and those responsible for the activities of the Course of Study. convenes the Council of the CdS approves the SUA-CdS, SMA and RCRs reports to the CCS the results of all the activities carried out by the committees and various activity managers Contact Stefano Vanin - The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep management processes under control. Course of Study QA Committee It deals with: compiling and updating the Single Annual Form (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA). edit the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitor the progress of proposed improvement activities analyze teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, School Joint Committee reports monitor student careers monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and administrative technical staff identify training demand and training goals develop the training pathway revise each year the didactics and didactic regulations of the course of study Committee members Stefano Vanin - Giorgio Bavestrello - Anna Maria Cardinale - Ilaria Demori - Sara Ferrando - Francesca Rossi - (TA) Greta Gambarotto - (student) Teaching Commission It deals with: verify teaching facilities and student services verify CFUs in relation to teaching load and progression in semesters revise access requirements and arrangements for midterm and final examinations check the information in the teaching records monitor the course of education and organize it taking into account the needs of facilities and services monitor students' careers revise the didactics and didactic regulations of the BoS evaluate the formation of the CdS by analyzing the consistency of the course of study and training activities Committee members Stefano Vanin - Giorgio Bavestrello - Marzia Bo - Laura Cornara - Ilaria Demori - Elena Grasselli - Elisa Taviani - Silvia Travel - Francesca Rossi - (TA) Steering Committee It deals with: expressing needs from society and the world of work and culture providing an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific educational activities with the demand for training determine the scheduling of access to the CoS for the following academic year together with: Representation of professional and professional associations. School Representation Representatives of the Liguria region Committee members External members: . Simone Bava - . Rosella Bertolotto - . Margherita Beruti - . Laura Castellano - . Sonia Congia - . Piera Tornatore - . Laura Zaratin - Responsible for internships, traineeships and job orientation It deals with: promote, collect and manage proposals for internship/internship activities organizing the collection of questionnaires and opinions from the institutions at which internships and placements were conducted collect evaluations formulated by internship managers on students' activities, for the acquisition of related CFUs Responsible Giorgio Bavestrello - Responsible for study guidance and mentoring Inbound orientation and tutoring activities are managed and coordinated by a specific Orientation and Tutoring Commission, whose functions and responsibilities are described in the specific framework of the SUA CdS (B5). To supplement this, the Degree Course employs tutors for the reception and initial orientation of matriculated students, in the educational sites of the Course itself. Tutoring activities related to the conduct of the Internship in facilities outside the University are entrusted to specific professional figures in consultation with internal tutors specifically appointed by the CCS. Committee members Valentina Asnaghi Manuela Marcoli Marina Sartini - Website manager It deals with: updating and verifying the information on the course of study website checking that transparency requirements are met take suggestions from students to improve content. Managers Paolo Vassallo Responsible for coordinating class schedule and exams optimize the distribution of exams according to propaedeuticity constraints, in consultation with the coordinators of integrated teachings (so-called "integrated courses") Responsible Silvia Travel - Responsible for international activities International activities, including the management of relations with the University of Girona (Spain) as part of the dual degree in Molecular and Health Biology/Molecular and Health Biology, are managed and coordinated by a CDS-level committee, whose functions and responsibilities are described in the specific SUA CdS framework (B5). The Department has an Erasmus Contact Person, who acts as a liaison between the committee and the Cds Coordinators. Contact persons Mariachiara Chiantore (Erasmus+ Contact Person) - Gian Luca Damonte (PO) - Sonia Scarfì (PA) - Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Luigi Minuto -