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Admission criteria and procedure

1. Read the admission requirements

It is an admission requirement for the Master's Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures for Cultural Services:

  • achievement of the bachelor's degree
  • or a three-year university degree
  • four-year university degree
  • one-year master's degree
  • other degree awarded abroad and recognized as eligible under current regulations

It is also necessary that: 

  • the student possesses one of the degrees listed below (subsection a) including, where specified, the relevant curricular requirements;
  • such qualification shall result no later than January 5, 2025;
  • the student possesses skills of the required language level (subsection b) normally in both languages of specialization;
  • the student passes the assessment of personal preparedness test prescribed for all matriculating students normally for both languages/languages/literatures of specialization (subsection c).

Registration for the Course can be made no later than January 17, 2025.

Did you get your degree abroad?

If you graduated abroad follow the appropriate enrolment procedure for foreign students with the support of the Welcome Office

If you graduated abroad follow the appropriate enrolment procedure for foreign students with the support of the Welcome Office

If you graduated in Italy, continue reading.

If you graduated in Italy, continue reading.

a. Curricular Requirements

To enter the LM 37-38 course of study the student is required to have one of the following degrees:

  • Degree of classes L-11 and L-12 ex-DM 270;
  • Graduation of classes 3 and 11 ex-DM 509; 
  • Four-year degree in modern foreign languages and literatures
  • University Diploma for Translators and Interpreters recognized as equivalent to the degree in class 3.

Special cases

If one of the two languages studied in the three-year degree (or Equivalent Course) is not activated in the LM, the student will have to undertake the study of an alternative language of specialization in the two-year degree. In case he/she does not pass, for this 'new' language, the personal preparation test (subsection b), the student may be admitted to study it at a lower level than that provided for LM, attending the teachings of the three-year Modern Languages and Cultures CdS.

If one of the two languages studied in the three-year degree (or Equivalent Course) is not activated in the LM, the student will have to undertake the study of an alternative language of specialization in the two-year degree. In case he/she does not pass, for this 'new' language, the personal preparation test (subsection b), the student may be admitted to study it at a lower level than that provided for LM, attending the teachings of the three-year Modern Languages and Cultures CdS.

In the case of specific and exceptional reasons, a student may be allowed to undertake the study of a new language of specialization in the two-year Master's degree program in place of one of the two languages of specialization of the three-year degree program, even when both languages of specialization studied in the Bachelor's degree program (or equivalent) are offered at the Master's degree program level. In the event that the student fails, for this 'new' language, the personal preparation test (subsection b), he/she will not be admitted to the CdS.

In the case of specific and exceptional reasons, a student may be allowed to undertake the study of a new language of specialization in the two-year Master's degree program in place of one of the two languages of specialization of the three-year degree program, even when both languages of specialization studied in the Bachelor's degree program (or equivalent) are offered at the Master's degree program level. In the event that the student fails, for this 'new' language, the personal preparation test (subsection b), he/she will not be admitted to the CdS.

If you do not hold one of the degrees listed, you must meet the following requirements in order to proceed:

  • Have achieved:
    • 30 total CFUs in the scientific-disciplinary fields of foreign languages, linguistics and literatures (ssd L-LIN/03/****), Italian literature (ssd L-FIL-LET/10, L-FIL-LET/11), linguistics (ssd L-LIN/01, L-LIN/02, L-FIL-LET/12), of the philological and comparative disciplines (L-FIL-LET/09, L-FIL-LET/13, L-FIL-LET/14, L-FIL-LET/15, L-LIN/21) and 30 total CFUs in any ssd of the disciplines of history (M-STO/***), geography (M-GGR/***), sociology (SPS/***), anthropology (M-DEA/01),
      economics (SECS-P/***), law (IUS/***)

    • 60 CFUs in the disciplines of Languages, Linguistics, Language Histories, Foreign Literatures and Cultures, Philological and Comparative Disciplines.

In the absence of these curricular requirements you can take the necessary exams as "bridging career" during the summer/fall to make up the missing credits. You will also have to take the personal readiness check in September/October, and in any case finalize your enrolment by the scheduled January deadline.

If you have any doubts, you can contact the teaching secretary

b. Level of language proficiency required for admission to the course.

The level of language proficiency required for admission to study in both languages of specialization is:

  • Level C1: for French, English, Portuguese, Spanish
  • level B2: for Polish, Russian, Swedish, German
  • If you are a student whose native language is other than Italian and you have graduated from a foreign university, you will also have to demonstrate knowledge of Italian with C1 level in order to be enrolled. Even if you have a certification (CILS, CELI, PLIDA IT), you will have to take and pass the appropriate test at UniGe's School of Italian Language and Culture for Foreign Students before you can finalize your enrolment in the course.


Assessment of possession of curricular requirements: how to apply

Curricular requirement assessment must be requested by all students who intend to enrol in this course of study. Assessment of possession of curricular requirements must be requested by sending the self-certification downloaded from the website or scan of degree certificate with the list of exams taken, related credits and SSD to  

In the email remember to specify, in order, the following data:

  • title of study
  • graduate class of origin
  • specialty languages chosen (indicating any change in one of the languages of specialization, as compared to the Three-Year Degree)

Contact the Registrar's Office for appropriate clarification regarding verification procedures even if:
you have an undergraduate degree from a foreign country with only one language of specialization in your career
you have studied in the three-year period a language other than those activated in the course and you are forced to undertake the study of a new language

N.B.You can apply for assessment of curricular requirements even if you are an undergraduate, as long as you have passed all language exams and graduation in December

Assessment of fulfillment of curricular requirements: outcomes of verification

The results of the verification of the curricular requirements will be sent to you by email, usually within one month after submitting the application and published on the course website, with the matriculation number.

The verification can have one of the following outcomes:

  • having all the necessary curricular requirements stated above: you can take the personal preparation check;
  • failure to meet the curricular requirements: you will have to acquire them in the first semester by enrolling in the so-called "bridge career" during the summer/fall to make up the missing credits. You will also have to take the personal preparation test in September/October, and in any case finalize your enrolment by the scheduled January deadline.

N.B.  You can proceed with registration and pre-registration even before applying for verification of curricular requirements or before receiving the result of such verification.

c. Personal preparation

All students who meet the curricular requirements (outlined in subsection a) will be required to undergo the personal preparation check with regard to language level (subsection b) and basic knowledge of linguistics and literatures related to the languages of specialization. Follow the instructions to understand the manner and timing of the initial preparation check.

2. Register and pre-register

To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL).

UniGe Portal Registration

If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL).


Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration.