Course Council Coordinator He is responsible for:fulfilling the functions assigned to him/her by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations, among which he/she is the chairperson of the Coordinating Committee of the Course Councilcoordinating the QA Committee of the CCSconvoking the CCSapproving the SUA-CdS, SMA and RCRscommunicating to the CCS the result of the activities carried out by the committees and the various activity leaders. Contact Massimiliano Avalle - The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep the management processes under control. Course of Study QA Committee It is in charge of:compiling and updating the Single Annual Report Card (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)editing the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitoring the progress of proposed improvement activitiesanalyzing teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, reports of the School Joint Committee. monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and administrative technical staff identify the training demand and training objectivesdevelop the training course Working group on education It is in charge of:organizing initiatives such as the Course Presentation Day and Job Start-up Daycoordinating teaching and improvement actions in relation to the results of the questionnaires evaluating the perceived quality of teaching Steering Committee It is responsible for:expressing the needs from society and the world of work and cultureproviding an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training. Working Group on Internationalization It is responsible for:organizing informational meetings monitoring the progress of activities and proposing any improvements Members Instituted in Academic Year 2017-18, it is chaired by the vice coordinator and student representatives. Website working group It is in charge of:reorganizing the site, in relation to the new structure developed by the Universityupdating it and proposing any improvement actions Group members The Website Working Group, established in the 2017-18 Academic Year, is chaired by the deputy - coordinator and student representatives. Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Francesco Crenna - (Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering