What is The Assessment of Adequacy of Personal Readiness is the tool provided by the Educational Regulations to assess your preparation for the purpose of matriculation to the Master's Degree.
Who should conduct the Verification You are exempt from verification if you have: a bachelor's degree in engineering, Italian or foreign, with a grade of at least 9/10 of the maximum required for your degree a final grade corresponding to at least the "A" grade of the ECTS system You are not exempt from verification if you meet the curricular requirements and have obtained a graduation mark of at least 85/110 and less than 99/110 of the highest mark or if you are a student in possession of a degree awarded abroad with a final grade ranging from "B" to "D" of the ECTS system. In these cases, your career will be examined by a special Commission, appointed by the CCS. Successful careers will allow admission to the Master's degree. In the event of a negative career assessment, you will be subjected to an individual background check in the form of a public interview. If you meet the curricular requirements but have obtained a degree mark of less than 85/110 of the highest mark or you are a student in possession of a degree awarded abroad with a final grade of "E" in the ECTS system, you will be subject to a career review and individual preparation assessment in the form of a public interview. How to access To take the Verification of Adequacy of Graduate Personal Readiness you must do the pre-registration so as to be on the lists of students who must take the test. Following that, if the test is successful, you must confirm your matriculation. For pre-registration and the test you will not have to pay anything. Payment of the registration fee and regional fee is due at the time of confirmation of registration. You must pay the registration fee and regional fee. N.B.: Pre-registration and verification of personal preparation adequacy are free of charge. Payment of the application fee and regional fee is expected at the time of confirmation of registration. How it works The verification consists of a career examination and/or interview:. If you have graduated with a grade of at least 85/110 and less than 99/110 or hold a degree from abroad with a final grade ranging from "B" to "D" in the ECTS system you will be subject to a career examination. The assessment will be made by taking into consideration the grades of individual exams and the time taken to complete the three-year degree. If you fail the career exam you will have to take an interview. if you graduated with a grade less than or equal to 85/110 or hold a degree from a foreign country with a final grade of "E" in the ECTS system you will be subject to both the career examination and the interview The interview is based on knowledge of engineering fundamentals and application and professional aspects related to the following topics: mechanical systems, materials and mechanical technologies mechanics, technical drawing and machine building thermal-energy systems, machines and heat transmission measures You can take a maximum of 2 admission tests to the Master's Degree per academic year Dove e quando 26 febbraio 2025 Il luogo verrà comunicato agli studenti, via mail, in prossimità della data di Verifica.