Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L/SNT2 MEDICAL REHABILITATION PROFESSIONS Access Admission test Available places EU Students 17 Non-EU Students 1 EU Students 15 Non-EU Students 1 Locations GENOVA Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme MAURIZIO BALESTRINO Department DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE, RIABILITAZIONE, OFTALMOLOGIA, GENETICA E SCIENZE MATERNO-INFANTILI Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni Portale EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione ai corsi di laurea Professioni Sanitarie a.a. 2024/2025
The course in brief Presentation The course, three-year and with scheduled number, trains health professionals who carry out prevention and rehabilitation of speech and communication disorders in childhood, adult and geriatric age. Students conduct a professional internship in accredited facilities. The course concludes with a final qualifying examination for the profession. Learning by doing The course combines traditional lectures with an intense internship activity, in which you learn by doing. For example, practical tests for: the proper management of vocality and the respiratory act the assessment of oro-pharyngeal and swallowing structures of foods of different consistencies the administration of cognitive tests. Professional outlets The speech therapy graduate can be a free practitioner or pursue career:. within the NHS in accredited and contracted private facilities in clinics and rehabilitation centers in acting and singing schools. You can continue your studies with Master's Degree Level I or the Master's Degree in Health Professions Rehabilitation Sciences. What you will learn assunzione di responsabilità professionale conoscere il codice deontologico e la normativa vigente presa in carico dell'utente analizzare dati utilizzando strumenti standardizzati e colloqui valutazione funzionale dell'utente effettuare valutazioni utili alla stesura del progetto terapeutico definizione degli obiettivi riabilitativi definire obiettivi a breve, medio e lungo termine pianificazione di interventi riabilitativi stilare programmi riabilitativi per specifici outcome funzionali verifica di interventi riabilitativi valutare l'efficacia dei risultati sulla base degli outcome educazione terapeutica stabilire una relazione di aiuto per l'assistito e la famiglia prevenzione nei singoli e nella collettività riconoscere situazioni a rischio attraverso screening specifici comunicazione e relazione gestire dinamiche relazionali e lavorare in équipe interdisciplinare Did you know that. L'intervento logopedico in alcuni ambiti inizia praticamente alla nascita Esistono linguaggi alternativi che con l'aiuto di strumenti tecnologici consentono alla persona disabile una comunicazione efficace L'affiancamento dell'intervento logopedico a quello ortodontico ne migliora l'efficacia Il logopedista che si occupa di voce artistica aiuta il cantante, l'attore, il performer a gestire al meglio lo strumento vocale La posizione del bacino e i gradi delle curve della colonna vertebrale possono preservare e facilitare l'uscita della voce Potrai lavorare in scuole di canto, di recitazione o con insegnanti di scuola dell'infanzia e primaria Contents The first year of the course provides biological, biomedical, and sanitation knowledge. In the second year, clinical, psychological, psycho-linguistic, and cognitive-behavioral knowledge is deepened to address communicative, auditory, specific learning, and language development disorders in childhood, adulthood, and geriatric age. The third year is aimed at specialized in-depth study of aphasias, dysphagia, phonatory disorders and related to adult degenerative diseases. In the second and third years, the importance assigned to the internship experience increases, and the student can experience a gradual assumption of autonomy and responsibility under the supervision of experts. Training activities are planned to develop methodological skills to understand scientific research, including in support of the thesis paper. Coordinator Image Dear girls and dear boys, I would like to welcome you to our, and now your, School. You are about to embark on a pivotal season in your lives: you will have new and exhilarating experiences, learn many fascinating things, acquire the tools for planning a rehabilitation program, and be able to rejoice with patients over the results achieved. Maurizio Balestrino Where we are Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics and Maternal-Infantile Sciences - DINOGMI Largo Paolo Daneo 3 16132 Genoa GE FAQ 1) What work does a graduate in Speech Therapy do?. The Speech Therapist is the health professional, who carries out his activity in the prevention and rehabilitative treatment of language and communication in developmental, adult and geriatric age (Ministry of Health Decree No. 742 of September 14, 1994). Collaborates with the Medical Specialist in the evaluation and drafting of individual rehabilitation programs, specific to each user. 2) What does a graduate in Speech Therapy not do?. A graduate in Speech Therapy does not make medical diagnoses or prescribe medications. The Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy is a three-year licensing degree for the profession of Speech Therapist, so he/she can perform this profession and no other. 3) What kind of motivations do people have for choosing a degree in Speech Therapy?. Above all, the search for a course of study that can combine both theoretical and practical aspects. The possibility, therefore, to have from the first year, a direct relationship with the user both child and adult. 4) Where can I find a job with a degree in Speech Therapy?. The Speech Therapist carries out his or her professional activities in public or private health care facilities, in a dependent or freelance capacity. 5) What types of users does a graduate in Speech Therapy work with?. The Speech Therapist can deal with the evaluation and reeducation of individuals with neurological disorders, otolaryngological/speech disorders affecting the developmental, adult and geriatric ages. 6) In what public institutions can a graduate in speech therapy work?. To date, in hospitals and private contracted centers, ASL, universities. 7) What outlets does a speech therapy graduate have in the private sector? A speech therapist can practice as an independent practitioner (e.g., by opening a private practice or associating with private practices); he or she can also work at private clinics or private rehabilitation centers. He can also work as a consultant at theaters or schools. 8) What further studies can a graduate in speech therapy access?. After earning a Bachelor's Degree, a Speech Therapist can enter a Master's Degree and/or a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Science of Health Professions. After earning the Master's Degree, he/she may enter second-level Master's degree and PhD. 9) What are the chances of finding a job for a graduate in Speech Therapy?. High; the demand for such specialized figures is in high demand today. 10) What career possibilities does a graduate in Speech Therapy have? A graduate in Speech Therapy can, once he or she obtains the degree, access University positions such as Internship Guide, Tutor, Coordinator of both Internship and Degree Course activities. He can also access the Academic Career. He can become, in addition, a health services coordinator. Many of these "vertical" career advancements, however, require the possession of other qualifications beyond the Bachelor's Degree (e.g. Master's Degree). Read more Study Course Secretariat. Luca Bagnasco c/o Eye Clinic Viale Benedetto XV 7 16132 Genoa +39 010 353