Informazioni 2024/2025 Tipologia CORSO DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE Durata 2 anni CFU 120 Classe LM-30 Classe delle lauree magistrali in INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA E NUCLEARE Accesso Accesso libero Sedi SAVONA Lingua Inglese Modalità didattica Tradizionale Coordinatore GIORGIO ZAMBONI Dipartimento DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA MECCANICA, ENERGETICA, GESTIONALE E DEI TRASPORTI Costi Da 0 a 3000 euro all'anno. Scopri se hai diritto a borse ed esenzioni Esperienze all'estero Sedi internazionali e partner Contatti Per saperne di più sul Corso visita la sezione dedicata Orari delle lezioni Portale EasyAcademy Documenti Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Didattica programmata 2024/2025 Regolamento 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Informazioni anni precedenti
evento Incontri con la Protezione civile sui rischi legati agli eventi meteo estremi 30/01/2025 - 27/02/2025
Attenzione! Questo corso di laurea è ad accesso libero, ma prevede il superamento di una verifica. Leggi attentamente le pagine Requisiti di accesso e modalità di iscrizione e Verifica della preparazione personale.
Programme overview Summary The M.Sc. in Energy Engineering is aimed at Italian and foreign students and offers a good level of interdisciplinary preparation for working in professional, industry and research at international level in the field of the sustainable energy production, conversion, transportation, storage and saving. Learning by doing The M.Sc. in Energy Engineering offers a unique international experience. The modules are taught in English, Free English classes are offered to Students, two Double Degree Programs are available, the first with Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Double Degree EMESB), the second with MCI Innsbruck (Double Degree EM3ES). Career perspectives Energy production and distribution companies, energy conversion manufacturing industries, energy engineering firms, research institutions, energy planning offices and regulatory development. What you will learn applying knowledge and understanding devise, plan, design and manage processes and systems through the use of models and experiments making judgements analyze and solve complex problems related to the production, conversion and storage of energy communication skills explain energy issues to non-expert stakeholders Did you know that... the M.Sc. course works in partnership with industries and research institutes in Liguria, in Italy and abroad all modules are taught in English and free English courses are offered to En2 students you can obtain a Double Degree EMESB (European Master in Engineering for Energy and Sustainable Building) or a Double Degree EM3ES (European Master in Engineering for Energy and Environmental Sustainability) graduates can critically evaluate the data through the use of models and experiments graduates will have the ability to employ new technologies with particular reference to energy production sustainability about 50% of En2 students come from abroad Contents The course consists of modules that include thermofluid dynamics and thermo-chemical dynamics, as well as fluid machinery and energy conversion systems (cogeneration, fuel cells, power plants from renewable energy sources and smart grids), traditional energy and civil engineering plants, electric networks, economics, available and emerging technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental monitoring. The course is aimed at students seeking high qualification in the following main fields: energy conversion processes from chemical, biochemical, thermal sources into mechanical and electrical counterparts sustainable & distributed energy: renewable energy (solar, geothermal, wind, hydro), fuel cells, biofuels, smart power grids, low emission power plants sustainable development: C02 sequestration, LCA analysis, biomass exploitation, energy audit in buildings, energy from waste, recycling, modelling and experimental techniques devoted to optimum energy management. Head of programme Image Welcome Energy Students. I am the Coordinator of the MSc in Energy Engineering, where I teach Advanced Propulsion Systems and Green Fuels. You will find in our Course a community of students coming from far Countries and Italian students interested in all the engineering aspects of Energy (conversion, management, storage, transmission, etc.) with a strong focus on renewable and environmentally-friendly sources. Our mission is to grow high level Engineers, with a special International Attitude to work in research and production teams. For this reason, we also offer Two Double Degree Programs with French and Austrian Universities. See You in Savona Campus! Giorgio Zamboni Where to find us Campus di Savona Palazzina Marchi Via A. Magliotto, 2 17100 Savona SV You can reach the Campus by car or by public transport. Main distances: from Genova Airport Cristoforo Colombo to Savona: 45 km from Nice Airport (France) to Savona: 145 km from expressway A10 exit Savona-Vado: 2km from Savona railway station: 2km (bus ACTS n. 4 or n. 14) Bus timetables: ACTS Train timetables: Trenitalia Learn more Savona Campus Student Office Lagorio Building, ground floor + 39 019 219 Tutors Marco Fossa Loredana Magistri Alessandro Nilberto Antonella Priarone Renato Procopio Didactic support