Salta al contenuto principale


En2 and En3 students have the opportunity to attend for free courses of English (CEFR Level B2, 40 hour course) or Italian (for foreign students) organized in collaboration with the Language Center of Unige (CLAT) and held in Savona.

For a.y. 2017/18 the English Course will start on 20th october 2017 and be held on fridays: 4 hours from 10am, room MA 218 the first lesson, MA 216 the following ones. The course will end with a Final Test for the issue of a English B2 knowledge Declaration, valid for enrolling in En2. Attending the English Course is submitted to email registration at with subject: En2 English Course 2017.

Foreign students (a.y. 2017/18) are also allowed to attend for free the Italian Course, organized by CLAT and En2. This course is organized through the access to the On Line platform of Unige. Frontal lectures are going to be organized and further information will be available at this web page. Students interested in the Italian Language Course are requested to write an email to with subject: En2 Italian Course 2017, indicating also their Student Number (matricola).