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In the last years both industrialization and population growth have brought to higher demand for sustainable energy, smart management of energy with reduced environmental impact.

As a result Energy Engineering received the heritage of former Environmental and Energy Engineering in order to better cope with sustainable development issues and progress in technologies related to: energy conversion, energy saving, renewable energies, NZE buildings, energy storage, with particular attention to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

 The rising interest in 20/20/20 policies in Europe has resulted in a growing demand for high energy engineers having knowledge and skills to analyze, design and develop effective solutions in a broad range of situations. Furthermore, in the last few years both new industrial and developing countries reached consciousness of environmental problems related to energy production and started large energy engineering projects: the result is a substantial increase of requested energy engineers throughout the world.

In response to this growing demand the M.Sc. in Energy Engineering has been designed for either engineers or scientists (possessing a B.Sc. or higher) seeking for high qualification.

It's possible to download a Slide presentation of the Energy Engineering Course (ver. 2018).

Savona Campus

University of Genoa located its modern Campus in Savona. Some public and private funds were devoted to the rapid development of the Campus infrastructures, with sport facilities, students apartments, library and auditorium.

In 2010 Region Liguria financed (European Funds of Regional Development: PO Ob. CRO FESR 2007-2013 Asse 1) the Research and Innovation Pole for Sustainable Energy, promoted by Università di Genova, CNR, I.P.S. S.c.p.a. (Insediamenti Produttivi Savonesi), SPES S.c.p.A. (Società di promozione degli Enti Savonesi per l’Università) and BIC Liguria S.c.p.A. The Pole has its Headquarters in Savona Campus and involved 5 national research bodies, 13 great industries and 20 small and medium-sized enterprises.

In 2010 the Italian Ministry of Research and University MIUR financed the birth in Savona Campus of the Research Centre Energy 2020, whose research activities are focused on environment and energy. Energy 2020 project's future develpments are:

  • Intelligent & Sustainable Microgrid feeding the electrical and the thermal loads of the Campus, in cooperation with SIEMENS
  • Intelligent&Active n-ZEB interacting with the SPM Energy Management System, in cooperation with SIEMENS
  • Reduction of the Campus consumptions and the energy dispersions at the building level
  • The Campus as a test-bed of state-of-the-art technologies for the City of the Future: the Campus as an independent energy island with high confort level for its population.

The University of Genoa and Siemens jointly developed a smart polygeneration microgrid in Savona Campus that was officially commissioned on February 2014. Since then the Campus with several networked energy producers has largely generated enough power to satisfy its own needs, with total capacity of 250 kW of electricity and 300 kW of heating. The grid includes gas microturbines, absorption chillers, a photovoltaic plant, a solar power station and electrochemical and thermal storage systems. This huge facility together with the other laboratories located in the Campus (Combustion Lab, Energy Hub laboratory) offers the students a unique opportunity to touch, measure and investigate the performance of real scale innovative energy systems.

Finally the climatic conditions of Savona, located by the sea in the Riviera and just an hour’s drive from some of the best ski-area in the Alps, makes it possible to combine study, sport and outdoor life.

Campus and student facilities

The Campus in Savona is equipped with modern infrastructures and includes sport facilities, students apartments, library, auditorium.

More information can be found in the website of the Savona Campus or can be downloaded as a pdf (Italian only).


Accomodations are available at the Campus. Please visit the Campus Accomodation web page and contact Spes staff for further information and applications -

Bike rental

Free bikes are available to students by means of a refundable deposit.

Please contact Spes, Mrs Caterina Marcantonio - for further details.