Head of program He is responsible for: performing the functions assigned to him/her by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations, among which he/she is the chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Course Council coordinating the QA committee of the CCS convene the CCS approve the SUA-CdS, the SMA and the RCRs communicate to the CCS the result of the activities carried out by the committees and the various activity managers Contacts Enrico Simetti - enrico.simetti@unige.it Course of Study QA Committee It is responsible for: compiling and updating the Single Annual Assessment Form (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) compiling the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitoring the progress of proposed improvement activities analyze teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, School Joint Committee reports monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and technical administrative staff identify the demand for training and training objectives elaborate the training pathway Members Maura Casadio - maura.casadio@unige.it Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto - carmine.recchiuto@dibris.unige.it Giulia Repetto - giulia.repetto@unige.it Marcello Sanguineti - marcello.sanguineti@unige.it Fabio Solari - fabio.solari@unige.it Renato Zaccaria - renato.zaccaria@unige.it Karim Triki - 5528602@studenti.unige.it Teaching Commission It is responsible for: verifying teaching facilities and student services verifying CFUs in relation to teaching load and progression in semesters reviewing entrance requirements and arrangements for midterm and final examinations check the information in the teaching sheets monitor the educational path and organize it taking into account the needs of facilities and services Contacts Giovanni Indiveri - giovanni.indiveri@unige.it Giulia Repetto - giulia.repetto@unige.it Stefano Rovetta - stefano.rovetta@unige.it Antonio Sgorbissa - antonio.sgorbissa@unige.it Enrico Simetti - enrico.simetti@unige.it Matteo Zoppi - matteo.zoppi@unige.it Steering Committee It is concerned with: expressing the needs coming from society and the world of work and culture;" providing an opinion between the consistency of the course of study as a whole and specific training activities with the demand for training review the professional and cultural profiles it intends to train, the functions and skills that characterize them, and the expected job outlets Members Alessandro Santamaria, Roboteco SpA, santamaria@roboteco-italargon.it Ennio Chiatante, Digital Transformation Projects, Comau SpA, ennio.chiatante@comau.com Leonardo Leani, Italy Robotics Unit, ABB, ravelli.m@tiesserobot.it Maurizio Ravelli, Tiesse Robot SpA, ravelli.m@tiesserobot.it Jody Saglia, Amazon Robotics, jssaglia@amazon.it Pasquale Maroni, Atos SpA Italia, pasquale.maroni@atos.net Michele De Buono, SCAI Lab SRL, michele.debuono@scailab.it Michele Sesana, TXT Group SpA, michele.sesana@txtgroup.com Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Prof. Silvio Paolo Sabatini - Department of computer science, bioengineering, robotics and systems engineering - DIBRIS Responsible for incoming orientation Responsible for: organizing, in coordination with the Department or School Orientation Delegate, the University Orientation Sector and the Orientation and Tutoring Commission of the Polytechnic School, incoming orientation and tutoring activities collaborate with the "welcoming tutors," selected through an annual call for applications Responsible Antonio Sgorbissa - antonio.sgorbissa@unige.it Responsible for mentoring activities It is responsible for: organizing tutoring activities in coordination with the Orientation Tutoring Committee of the Polytechnic School and the Department; collaborate with other tutoring faculty to provide guidance and tutoring assistance to students upon request." Responsible Antonio Sgorbissa - antonio.sgorbissa@unige.it Responsible for international activities Responsible for: promoting and coordinating outgoing and incoming student mobility through Erasmus+ or other international programs; coordinate joint activities with other partners in the EMARO and JEMARO consortia; promote the internationalization of the CoS through outward promotional activities and faculty mobility." Members Fulvio Mastrogiovanni - fulvio.mastrogiovanni@unige.it Giovanni Indiveri - giovanni.indiveri@unige.it Responsible for coordinating class schedule and exams Responsible for: managing class schedules so as to avoid overlapping; optimize the distribution of exam dates; coordinate class and exam schedules with other partners in the EMARO and JEMARO consortia. Responsible Antonio Sgorbissa - antonio.sgorbissa@unige.it" Responsible for internships/internships and job orientation Responsible for: promotes, collects and manages, proposals for internship/internship activities; organizes the collection of questionnaires and opinions of institutions at which internships/internships have been conducted; organizes activities to promote orientation to the world of work (meetings with companies, etc.)." Responsibles Maura Casadio - casadio@unige.it Matteo Zoppi - matteo.zoppi@unige.it Responsible for the website In charge of: updating and verifying the information on the CoS website; checking that transparency requirements are met; interact with University website management to introduce new content. Responsibles Nicoletta Noceti - nicoletta.noceti@unige.it Giulia Repetto - giulia.repetto@unige.it