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Outgoing Erasmus+ study

Through Erasmus+, UniGe offers you the choice of a study or internship experience in one of the many countries participating in the mobility program and provides financial support to help you make the most of this experience.

Erasmus+ mobility allows you:

  • a university career enriched by a quality experience
  • an in-depth knowledge of a different European reality
  • the full recognition of CFUs acquired by taking exams or doing thesis research at the partner location

Important documents

Below you will find all the documentation you need to participate in the Erasmus+ study mobility program.

Erasmus+ a.y. 2025/26

Instructions for use

To participate

You can enroll in the program if:

  • you are regularly enrolled in UniGe
  • you are enrolled in individual educational activities aimed at admission to Master's degree programs (so-called bridging career)
  • at the time of submission of the application you possess the prerequisites for access established by the foreign location and the individual teaching facilities of UniGe

How long

Your Erasmus can last between 2 and 12 months.

You must agree with your lecturer on the exact dates of your stay and the courses to be taken. Check the teaching periods and courses offered at the foreign university.

Have you been on Erasmus before?

As a UniGe student, you have the opportunity to carry out one or more Erasmus+ mobilities.

The period comprehensive reserved for mobility is different depending on the course of study you are enrolled in:

  • Cycle I - Bachelor's degree: maximum 12 months (360 days)
  • cycle II - bachelor's/master's degree, master's degree: maximum 12 months (360 days)
  • single-cycle master's degree: maximum 24 months (720 days)
  • cycle III - PhD, postgraduate course, 2nd level master's degree: maximum 12 months (360 days)

Before applying, you should therefore check that the remaining period still available to you for further Erasmus+ mobility is at least 90 days.

For example, if in the same bachelor's degree program you have already done one Erasmus mobility for study purposes for 5 months and one for internship purposes for 4 months (for a total of 9 months), you will be able to apply and do a maximum period of 3 months abroad, regardless of the duration of the grant provided by the announcement.

As a UniGe student, you have the opportunity to carry out one or more Erasmus+ mobilities.

The period comprehensive reserved for mobility is different depending on the course of study you are enrolled in:

  • Cycle I - Bachelor's degree: maximum 12 months (360 days)
  • cycle II - bachelor's/master's degree, master's degree: maximum 12 months (360 days)
  • single-cycle master's degree: maximum 24 months (720 days)
  • cycle III - PhD, postgraduate course, 2nd level master's degree: maximum 12 months (360 days)

Before applying, you should therefore check that the remaining period still available to you for further Erasmus+ mobility is at least 90 days.

For example, if in the same bachelor's degree program you have already done one Erasmus mobility for study purposes for 5 months and one for internship purposes for 4 months (for a total of 9 months), you will be able to apply and do a maximum period of 3 months abroad, regardless of the duration of the grant provided by the announcement.

Continue reading.

Continue reading.


Check the Erasmus Manifesto, in the Important Documents section of this page, to find the list of destinations.

Verification of language skills

If you need a attestation of your level of proficiency in foreign language(s), you can contact the Language Skills Development Section and read the information posted on the page dedicated to Erasmus+ Outgoing students.

You can take a test of English and 1 other language according to the location of your interest (your choice of French, German and Spanish) and book the tests, according to the deadlines indicated in the dedicated section and published on the AulaWeb.


Test results are preferential evaluation elements for the purpose of your ranking. In fact, the Selection Boards may apply a reduction in your score if:

  • you have not taken the tests prepared by the Language Skills Development Sector
  • you have not attached any certification
  • to your application.

N.B. For any information about the tests please write to

How to participate

1. See the call for proposals and the Erasmus Manifesto.

In the Important Documents section of this page, consult carefully:

  • the call, to learn how to register and participate
  • the Erasmus Manifesto, to check the prerequisites of your Department group, and the prerequisites of the foreign university where you would like to go

2. Sign up for the contest

Log in to online services and enroll in the contest.

3. Support the interview

You will have to take a mandatory interview.

You will be excluded from the interview if you do not meet the minimum requirements set by your departmental area and, possibly, by the foreign location of your interest.

You will be selected based on:

  • your academic record
  • your language skills
  • your Erasmus purposes, with a focus on the courses you would like to take abroad
  • your personal motivations (e.g., your academic interests)

4. Check the ranking list

Check if your ranking has been published.

5. Accept the scholarship

6. Sign the agreement

Procedures related to the disbursement of the grant can be activated only after you have signed the agreement.

Carefully read the instructions, on the Online Services UniGe page, to sign the Erasmus+ agreement.

Before leaving

Before leaving remember to:

  • check the deadlines and procedures for registering at the foreign university
  • check the validity of your identity card or passport. If expiring, arrange for renewal
  • check the procedures for entry and stay in the foreign country (read the relevant section of the application notice)
  • check that you have a valid Health Card with you. Make sure at your ASL that you have health coverage
  • enrol in language courses at the Language Competence Development Sector (ex CLAT), if assigned
  • fill out the Before the mobility part of the Learning Agreement, which can be found in the Important Documents section of this page. This part must be signed by you, your CCS Chairperson or Department Delegate and the person in charge at the foreign office. Once you have obtained all the authorisations, you will need to get a copy to the Erasmus staff at the Department/School

N.B.For more information read the Erasmus+ Student Kit and the International Student Mobility Handbook in the Important Documents section of this page.

Waiving the mobility period and Erasmus+ grant

You may renounce the mobility period and the awarded grant even after your acceptance, using the Renouncement Form (Form C in the Important Documents section of this page).

In order to allow the rankings to be updated, send or deliver to the International Mobility Department as soon as possible the completed form and a copy of your identity document, preferably by the date defined in the call for applications.

During Erasmus+

Upon your arrival

  • enrol at the foreign university
  • within 5 days from arrival have the certificate of arrival (Form A in the Important Documents section of this page) filled out by the foreign university, stamped and signed and sent to the International Mobility Department

To modify the Learning Agreement

If you want to change, add, or delete a teaching that you had previously indicated, you can do so.

Fill out the part of the Learning Agreement called During the mobility:

  • indicate which exams you intend to delete and which you intend to add in Table A2
  • in Table B2 you need to specify the correspondence of the added/changed exams

Once the form is complete with all signatures, email it to the Erasmus staff at the Department or School and the International Mobility Office.

To extend the stay abroad

If you intend to extend your stay abroad beyond the duration provided for in the agreement, you must mail to the International Mobility Sector the request to extend the Erasmus+ period (form B in the Important Documents section of this page) complete with a declaration of willingness of the foreign university to accept the Erasmus+ conditions for the new duration.

You must send your documentation at least 30 days before the end of the Erasmus period you have signed up for.

Remember that:

  • the period abroad may not exceed 12 months (it must end before 30 September of the year in question)
  • there may be no breaks between the period of study already authorised and its extension
  • you must motivate your request for an extension by completing the During the Mobility section of the Learning Agreement

You are about to return

Before returning to Italy, remember:

  • get the Attestation of Attendance (in the Important Documents section of this page) issued by the foreign University, which must be sent by email to the International Mobility Department of the University of Genoa directly from the offices of the University hosting you - or deliver it yourself upon your return, in original, to the International Mobility Department of UniGe, Piazza della Nunziata 6 - second floor
  • .
  • pick up your Transcript of Records (ToR) with the list of exams taken and the relative grades and bring it with you. In the event that it is not yet ready, make arrangements with the foreign university to have it sent to you by e-mail in pdf format or by other means.
  • The ToR is a copy of the ToR.

Once back

Recognition of the activity carried out abroad

When you return, hand over to Department or School Erasmus staff the documentation of exams taken abroad:

  • the Transcript of Records (send a copy to the course coordinator)

At this point the coordinator brings for approval by the Course Council:

  • the recognition of your educational activity
  • the number of CFUs recognized
  • the conversion of grades

Conversion of grades

  1. if the foreign university adheres to the EGRACONS (European Grade Conversion System) project, conversion of the grade into thirtieths will be done following the procedures of the European ECTS guide
  2. if the foreign university does not join the EGRACONS project but makes the necessary data available, the board will adopt the European ECTS guide
  3. otherwise, the council will convert grades following the Grade Conversion List

Registration of votes

Exams recognized by the Board of Studies will be transcribed into your career by your student secretary/one-stop shop.