for Course Management Course Council Coordinator What it does It is in charge of performing the functions assigned to it by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations: coordinates the committees and those responsible for the activities of the CoS; convenes the ACS and submits the SUA-CdS, the CdS Annual Monitoring and the Cyclical Review Reports (RRC) for approval; communicates to the ACS the results of all the activities carried out by the Commissions and the various heads of activities. . Contacts Serena Perrone Course QA Committee What it does compiles and updates the Annual Single Form (SUA-CdS) within the established deadlines; analyses and compiles the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA); edits the Cyclical Review Report and monitors the progress of the proposed improvement activities; analyses reports and requests from students, lecturers, TA personnel in accordance with the procedures established by the University; disseminates the culture of the quality of training and self-evaluation within the School; analyses didactic evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires and other information sources; analyses the School Joint Committee report; monitors the CdS indicators;. organises and manages the consultation of the IPs. The QA committee also performs the functions of the teaching committee and thus: verifies the congruity between CFUs and teaching load and the progression through the semesters; periodically reviews the admission requirements and the arrangements for mid-term and final examinations; revises periodically the educational pathway on the basis of data and indications deriving from monitoring activities and organises its delivery, also taking into account the needs of facilities and services; organises and manages coordination activities between the programmes of the training activities; checks the completeness of the information in the teaching records; checks the adequacy of teaching facilities and student services;. Members of the Commission Alice BonandiniLara PaganiSerena PerroneMattia Giangreco (TA) Alessandro Bertuccini (student representative) - Steering Committee (Advisory Council) Jointly with the Bachelor of Arts and the Master of Arts in Modern Literature and Performing Arts What it does expresses the needs of society and the world of work and culture . provides an opinion between the coherence of the study programme as a whole and of the specific training activities and the demand for training Internal members (of the CdS) . QA Committee External members (in common with the degree course in Modern Literature and Performing Arts and the three-year degree course in Humanities) External members Publishers Valentina Saraceni, Editorial Office Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura Serena Pirotta, Editorial Director Philosophy and Classical Studies de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston; Carlo Vessella, Acquisitions Editor, Classical Studies - (eventual substitute); Marco Griffa, General Manager Loescher Editore -; Giuseppe Orlandi, Editor (eventual substitute) Regional School Office Alessandro Clavarino, Head of Office II ambito territoriale di Genova -; Raffaella Gregori, seconded teaching staff (possible substitute) Theatres and Conservatories Teatro della Tosse - Emanuele Conte, director and set designer, president and resident director of the Luzzati Foundation - Conservatorio Statale di Musica Nicolò Paganini - Tiziana Canfori, tenured teacher ISSM Conservatorio "Guido Cantelli" di Novara: Roberto Politi (Director) Cinema Bergamo Film Meeting/Cineforum - Fiammetta Girola, General Co-ordination and Direction Collaboration - "FilmTv" - Giulio Sangiorgio, Director - CircuitoCinema - Maria Bettanini, Administrative Contact - Employment Agencies Orienta SPA Employment Agency - Cristina Saulle, Key Account and Hr specialist Foreign Experts Anna Chahoud, Professor of Latin and Head of Department of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin - Giovanna Sparacello, Maître de conférences en littérature italienne, Université Rennes 2 Research Giulia Isetti, Senior Researcher at the Centre for Advanced Studies of Eurac research Head of Orientation and Tutoring What it does organises, in coordination with the School Guidance Delegate and the University's University Studies Guidance Sector, the guidance activities with schools and the Transversal Skills and Guidance Pathways - PCTO; organises activities to promote the degree course externally; monitors the progress of students' careers; organises, if necessary, support activities for the years following the first year; organises exit orientation activities towards the world of work or towards subsequent levels of education; monitors the employment outcomes of graduates; organises activities to acquire the assessment of stakeholders from the world of work on graduates of the degree programme; coordinates the activities of reception tutoring and didactic tutoring; Responsible for incoming/outgoing guidance. Elena Cimarosti Supervisor of tutoring activities Alice Bonandini Responsible for coordinating the timetable of lessons and examinations What it does manages class schedules so as to avoid overlapping; optimises the distribution of lectures between semesters; optimises the distribution of exam dates. Contacts Serena Perrone (Coordinator) Responsible for the Course website What it does with the support of the Teaching Unit, updates and verifies the information on the Course website; checks that transparency requirements are met. Contacts Serena Perrone (Coordinator) Reference lecturer for students with non-standard previous educational backgrounds or from other universities What does it do? supports students with previous educational backgrounds other than a Bachelor's degree in Classical Literature or from other universities, both Italian and foreign, in order to facilitate their integration into the Master's degree course. The course is designed to help students with previous educational backgrounds. Contacts Alice Bonandini Committee of Subject Matter Experts What it does examines the curricula of candidates for the appointment of subject experts and formulates a judgement for the CCS Members of the commission Valter LapiniBiagio Santorelli Representatives in the Joint School Committee What does he do? . The CPDS is mainly concerned with: formulating proposals aimed at improving the performance of teaching . drawing up an annual report on the effectiveness of teaching, tutoring and any other service provided to students. The report is forwarded to the Dean and to the competent teaching structures, which receive it and, taking it into due account, take steps to draw up proposals for the improvement of the relative activities . formulate opinions on the activation, deactivation and suppression of study courses . report to the Dean, the Coordinator of the Course Council and the Director of the Department to which the Course of Study is assigned, any anomalies found in the performance of teaching activities Members of the Commission representing the CdS Pia Carolla (teacher) Giovanni Secondo (student representative) - Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) The RAQ performs the following tasks: . support and intervention, when necessary, in relation to QA issues within the Department; coordination and support to the BoDs in the preparation of the SUA-CdS, the Annual Monitoring Form and the Cyclic Review Report (verification of the actual drafting within the assigned deadlines, assessment of completeness and updating and, if necessary, suggestion of appropriate changes, document review activities within the School QA Committees and related feedback); coordination and support to the Department in the preparation of the SUA-RD, SUA-TM or similar (verification of the actual drafting within the assigned deadlines, evaluation of completeness and updating and, if necessary, suggestion of appropriate changes); coordination and support to the coordinator and the board of teachers of the PhD courses (if any) for all the activities related to the QA of the PhD courses themselves. guarantee of the correct two-way flow of information between the PQA, the Department and the PhD courses and the BoDs belonging to it; verifies that the BoDs acquire the report of the Joint Commission and take into account its observations; verifies that the Institutes of Studies and the Department acquire and analyse students' opinions on teaching activities; promotion, with the coordination of the PQA, of training activities on QA for the staff of the Department; supporting and checking the implementation of any other activities envisaged by the PQA, including involvement in working groups on specific topics; on the indication of the PQA, drafting an annual report on the above-mentioned activities; Responsible person Paolo Calcagno - Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History (DAFIST) for students Tutor teacher What it does guides in defining one's curricular pathway helps in facing and overcoming any difficulties encountered during the educational pathway Contacts Alice Bonandini Contact person for students with disabilities and students with DSA What it does informs students with disabilities on the training courses activated in their educational area and on the services provided by the University; collaborates with the Rector's Delegate and with the Services Department for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA in order to identify and propose, at the student's specific request, the intervention most suited to his/her training needs and requirements; communicates to the teachers and technical-administrative staff of its educational structure the types of services and activities that can be activated to support students with disabilities; informs teachers and technical-administrative staff of the requests made by them; supervises, monitors and coordinates the activities carried out by peer tutors and educational tutors operating in the relevant structure; Referent Elisabetta Colagrossi Commission for the Verification of Access Requirements What it does verifies the fulfilment of curricular requirements organises personal preparation verification activities Members of the Commission Elena CimarostiLara PaganiRosa Ronzitti Contact person for credit recognition from other careers What it does examines the past or parallel careers of students on the basis of the Scheduled Offer or of the CoS Order and prepares the recognition resolution for the CCS Contacts Francesca Gazzano Curriculum Commission What it does helps enrolled students define their study plans . checks the congruence of individual study plans with the RAD and the didactic regulations and submits them for approval by the CCS Members of the Commission Francesca GazzanoRosa Ronzitti Commission credits "Other activities" and traineeships What it does assesses proposals for internship/stage activities; provides guidance to students on the appropriateness of proposals for internships/internships and other activities that can in any case be credited; evaluates internships/internships and other student activities and provides for their creditisation; Members of the Commission Elena CimarostiSerena Perrone Responsible for internships/internships and job orientation What it does promotes, collects and manages proposals for internship/internship activities; organises the collection of questionnaires and opinions of the organisations where placements and internships have been carried out; organises activities to promote orientation to the world of work (meetings with companies, etc.) . Internship/internship and work orientation managers Alessandra Mellano (TA) - Employment guidance and placement sector - sportellolavoro@unige.itGiacomo Montanari - Guidance Delegate of the School of Humanities Internationalisation Commission What it does promotes and coordinates outgoing and incoming student mobility through the Erasmus+ programme or other international programmes . promotes the internationalisation of the CoS through activities involving collaborations with foreign locations and faculty mobility Members of the Commission Alice Bonandini Pia CarollaFrancesca Gazzano Biagio Santorelli Responsible for international activities (departmental) . Dario Tessicini Commission for the Research Training Pathway What it does manages the Research Training Pathway according to the relevant regulations. Members of the Commission Alice BonandiniFrancesca GazzanoLara Pagani