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What is

Internship, or internship, is a period of orientation and training, carried out in a public or private work setting to facilitate your entry into the world of work.

Tirocinio curriculare

The curricular internship

The curricular internship consists of a period of training - of a maximum duration of 12 months, for each course of study cycle - carried out in a company, entity or institution, which allows you to complete and supplement your university course:

  • has an educational purpose, in that it allows you to deepen, verify and extend the learning received during your course of study
  • has an orientation purpose, in that it allows you to enter the world of work, to know internally the business reality and organizational/work dynamics and to assume greater awareness in professional choices
  • does not take the form of an employment relationship
  • must be included in the curriculum


You can find out with which companies, organisations, associations have already signed agreements for curricular traineeships by consulting the list of approved companies on the portal Student Curricular Activities: Internship and Thesis.

If you do not find the right apprenticeship offer for you

Tirocini in evidenza Filologia e Scienze dell'Antichità

Students are free to choose from the internship offers already available on the platform, or to arrange others on their own initiative with interested cultural institutions or companies. They can contact the coordinator if they feel they need preliminary advice.

Students who have a documented working relationship in a cultural field relevant to their course of study may apply to the "Other activities" and work placement credit committee for their work activity to be recognised as a work placement. The Commission is responsible for assessing the relevance to the course of study.


We would like to highlight, in particular, the availability to host as traineeships the students of the Course in Philology and the Sciences of Antiquity, offered by the Library of the School of Humanities of UniGe ( and by Eurac Research, Bolzano (remotely) (

For students who choose to do their internship in schools, the Course has developed a framework project, in synergy with the Regional School Office.

Progetto-quadro per tirocini curricolari presso le SSSG della Regione Liguria

Oggetto del tirocinio

Affiancamento di un docente (“tutor scolastico”) in servizio presso una SSSG nella classe di concorso A-13 (discipline letterarie, latino e greco) o, in subordine, A-11 (discipline letterarie e latino).

Gli studenti interessati a un tirocinio nella scuola hanno la possibilità di seguire, nel Corso di Laurea, un Laboratorio curriculare relativo alla progettazione didattica, che può efficacemente integrare l’esperienza di tirocinio.

Dettaglio del tirocinio

Il tirocinio avrà una durata complessiva di 75 ore

Riconoscimento del tirocinio

Il positivo superamento del tirocinio, vincolato al raggiungimento del monteore previsto e all’espressione di valutazione positiva da parte di entrambi i tutores, consente di maturare i 3 CFU di “Stage e tirocini esterni” previsti al II anno del CdS.

Le informazioni dettagliate sui contenuti e le modalità del tirocinio sono reperibili nel documento seguente:

Modalità di tirocinio per studenti lavoratori

If you have a documented work relationship in a cultural field relevant to your training course, you can apply to the "Other Activities" and Traineeships Credit Commission to have your work activity recognised as a traineeship by completing the attached forms and sending them to It is up to the Commission to assess the relevance to the training course.

How to activate a curricular traineeship

Before you can do the traineeship, you must obtain the certificate for the Online Course on Occupational Safety and Health. The course:

  • takes place entirely in e-learning mode
  • is divided into 4 modules
  • has a total duration of 4 hours

To complete the course, you must have viewed all the video lectures, passed the relevant self-assessment tests and the final examination. At the end of the course, you will receive a digital certificate and be able to download the certificate in pdf format.

To access the online course you must log on to and authenticate with your UniGePASS credentials. The registration key is "student" or "graduate".


To activate the traineeship:

  1. Contact the administrative contact person of the internship office
  2. Get in touch with the contact person within the company (company tutor) and with the university tutor (professor of your course of study)
  3. Invite the company to register on the portal Student Curricular Activities: Internships and Theses  (if not already registered). It then initiates the necessary paperwork for the internship.
    N.B. User Manuals are available on the Portal homepage. For assistance in using the Platform, please write to

Your company tutor will be responsible for introducing you to the work environment and helping you acclimatise, as well as assessing your progress and the achievement of your training objectives at the end of the placement.


UniGe, in its capacity as promoter, provides insurance against accidents at work with INAIL and, for liability, with insurance companies operating in the sector.

CFU recognition

Attention: Curricular placements, activated during the degree course, are now managed by the platform Student Curricular Activities: Internship and Thesis

Currently, however, the platform does not manage the recognition of CFUs in careers.

    End of internship

    At the end of the internship period you will need to submit the following documentation to the Student Desk:

    The extracurricular (postgraduate) apprenticeship

    Did you graduate? Visit the dedicated page for all the information you need on extracurricular traineeships and their activation.