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Info 2024/2025

Duration 5 years
CFU 300
Class LMG/01
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme ANNAMARIA PECCIOLI
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The course aims to provide the necessary and appropriate skills for those who intend to pursue a profession in the legal field.

In particular, it aims at the attainment of analytical and argumentation skills, the acquisition of the techniques of written and oral processing of legal material; as well as specialized learning in the fundamental areas of the various legal systems, so as to ensure that one can operate in a highly competitive manner at the national, European and international level.

Learning by doing

The course includes: 'in-person' and 'distance' conferences; experiences at professional firms, businesses, and public administrations; visits to major national and international institutions; in-depth study with prestigious scholars; opportunities for public display of what has been learned; 'legal clinics'; parliamentary and trial simulations; Moot Court Competitions.

Professional outlets

In addition to the legal professions (bar and notary, state bar, judiciary), law graduates have access to many other fields of work:

  • public sector: diplomatic and consular careers, parliamentary and ministerial officials and within the European Union, administrative and law enforcement managers and officials, prefects, municipal secretaries, teachers in middle and high schools, university research;
  • private sectors: from banking and insurance to business, marketing and economic and financial sectors;
  • Technologically advanced environments: Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), biomedical, robotics, renewable energy, maritime and air-space.

What you will learn

capire la realtà

con la lente del passato, alla luce del presente e nella prospettiva del futuro

comprendere ed interpretare

gli atti e i fatti idonei a produrre diritto

spirito critico

individuare cause e effetti dei fenomeni politici e sociali

il funzionamento dello Stato e delle istituzioni

le relazioni tra gli Stati nel diritto europeo ed internazionale


i rapporti tra le persone

agire nelle sedi istituzionali

anche come cittadini attivi, autonomi e responsabili

problem solving

identificare e risolvere i problemi secondo quanto previsto dalle norme giuridiche

public speaking

parlare con le persone e davanti al pubblico


conoscere e difendere i diritti dell'uomo e del cittadino

Did you know that.

Il Corso ti offre la possibilità di seguire un programma di mobilità strutturata che ti permetterà di conseguire un doppio titolo di laurea italo-francese, nonché di trascorrere un anno in un'Università statunitense, conseguendo il titolo di LL.M.


The study of law - and rights - as a window to the world

In an increasingly global world and an increasingly plural society, law emerges as a universal language and tool to ensure civil coexistence and to manage conflicts.

Learning to govern rights and needs, rules and services is essential to be competitive in the world of work, but also to be a conscious part of an extremely complex reality.

In law school you will be provided with a solid cultural foundation to be able to move 360 degrees in the legal universe. 

Jurisprudence as an important opportunity for knowledge and expertise

The course offers the opportunity for extensive preparation in all branches of law, paying attention also to the historical and cultural roots of our legal system.

You will be guaranteed the opportunity to choose from a plurality of specialized teachings, some of them delivered in English in the spirit of 'modernization in tradition,' on which the course is investing much energy and resources in order to enable its graduates to keep up with the times.

The didactic system of the master's degree program in Law is composed of the following scientific-didactic areas and related content:

  • civilistic
  • comparatistics
  • commercial
  • labor
  • constitutionalistic
  • administrative
  • economic-financial
  • communitarian
  • internationalistic
  • penalistic
  • processualistic
  • romanistic
  • historical-legalistic
  • philosophical-legal and social theory


Freedom is an ineradicable condition of legality; where there is no freedom there can be no legality. (Piero Calamandrei)

Annamaria Peccioli

Where we are

Lectures are held in the classrooms of the University Building, Via Balbi 5, and at the educational hub of the former Albergo dei Poveri, Piazzale Emanuele Brignole 2, Genoa.

Via Balbi, 5
16126 Genova GE

Some lectures are held at the S. Salvatore Auditorium in Sarzano Square.

Read more

Chief Teaching Officer of the Department of Law (RUD) 
. Dr. Filippo Pessino

Social Science Student One-Stop Shop
via Francesco Vivaldi 5
tel. 010 209 51890

To learn about office hours and opening hours click here.