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A mentor for you

The University of Genoa provides you with three types of tutors free of charge who can help you enjoy your college experience.

Tutors are older students, who have taken specific courses, and who will be an important reference point during your career.

Tutor reception

Are you a newly enrolled student?


Host tutors can help you fit into university life, move around the University's various facilities, find useful information, and fill out your study plan.

Educational Tutor

Do you need advice or support in tackling certain exams?

You can contact the teaching tutors, students who are enrolled in a master's degree course or enrolled in at least the fourth year of a single-cycle master's degree course, who, thanks to their experience, can give you useful tips on your study method and supplement the lecturer's teaching with exercises and in-depth studies.

Au pair tutor

The au pair tutors can help you with one-to-one meetings to better organise your studies and prepare for exams.

Where and when to find tutors

  • on the first day at the presentation of your degree program
  • at the 'Freshmen Day' organized by your degree program
  • in the classroom during your first classes

To find all other tutors check the website of your degree program or ask at your Student Desk.

Freshman Project Tutor

Who they are and how to contact them

The project aims to follow freshmen in their first steps by helping them with any difficulties in methodology and insertion within the courses of study. Each freshman will find the name of their tutor on Aulaweb and must register on the corresponding page.

It is essential to regularly consult your University email inbox to be informed in good time of current initiatives as well as to enter the pages dedicated to each tutor on Aulaweb.

Find here more information.

Do you want to become a tutor?

If you are a student regularly enrolled in the current academic year at the University of Genoa, you can submit application for participation in the call for tutor selection which is published once a year normally in April/May.

To know how to participate and the prerequisites to enter each profile, you need to read very carefully the Notice of Admission on the Voglio fare il Tutor


Below is some general information about the different types of tutors:

Didactic tutors carry out tutoring and didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities. Peer didactic tutors can help students with disabilities or DSA. 

To be eligible for this profile, it is necessary to be an enrolled student: 

  • from the fourth year onward of single-cycle master's degree programs at the University of Genoa 
  • to Master's degree courses at the University of Genoa 
  • to Ph.D. courses with administrative headquarters at the University of Genoa 

as well as having a mark average of at least 24/30. 

This is the only type of tutor activity compatible with part-time collaborative work (ex-150 hours) also at ALFA (ex-ARSEL) carried out in the same academic year. 

The gross hourly compensation is €17.00 for teaching tutors and €21.00 for peer tutors. 

They carry out one-on-one activities for their fellow students with disabilities or with LSD with the aim of eliminating or reducing the obstacles they may encounter in the realization of their educational path. 

Prior to the start of the activity, there is a mandatory training course that provides both basic information about the University's services and specific details about the type of activity to be carried out. 

To be eligible for this profile, it is necessary to be an enrolled student: 

  • from the second year onwards of bachelor's degree courses and single-cycle master's degree courses of the University of Genoa (possessing a certain number of CFUs, as specified in the Announcement) 
  • to master's degree courses of the University of Genoa 
  • To Ph.D. courses with administrative headquarters at the University of Genoa. 

A maximum number of 200 hours can be carried out and the hourly fee is €13.00, tax-free. 

They carry out orientation activities in welcoming and assisting new students by collaborating with faculty and technical-administrative staff throughout the year both at the Teaching Facilities and offices of the Teaching Area. They also partecipate at the University Schools' stands set up at orientation fairs. 

Prior to the start of the activity, there is a mandatory training course that provides basic knowledge about the services provided by the University and the specific characteristics of the individual course for which the activity is carried out. To be eligible for this profile, it is necessary to be an enrolled student: 

  • from the second year onwards of bachelor's degree courses and single-cycle master's degree courses at the University of Genoa 
  • to master's degree courses of the University of Genoa 

They must possess a certain number of CFUs, as specified in the Call for Selection. 

They can perform a maximum number of 120 hours  (exceptions may occur) and the hourly fee is 10.33 euros, tax-free. 

They have functions of coordinating the activities of the reception tutors (Profile C) indicated by the Structures adhering to the Project and supporting the Team of teachers identified in the projects of the adhering Departments, according to the directives and indications of the professional figure in charge of the Orientation Service. The other tutors have support and liaison functions among all the figures involved in the Project. 

If you need more information, you can contact the Orientation and Tutoring Service - University Study Orientation Sector.