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Info 2024/2025

Duration 5 years
CFU 300
Class LM-13
Access Admission test
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme PAOLA FOSSA
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The degree program prepares for the practice of the profession of pharmacist, conferring the appropriate scientific preparation that characterizes the professional figure of the drug expert.

Learning by doing

The pharmacist's scientific and technological training is supported by extensive practice in didactic laboratories of drug synthesis and analysis, preparation of pharmaceutical forms, and evaluation of pharmaco-biological activities. Training is complemented by the performance of a professionalizing training internship.

Professional outlets

  • pharmacist in public and private facilities
  • drug and medical device scientific informant
  • responsible for preparation, storage, and wholesale distribution of drugs and health products
  • responsible for pharmacovigilance and phytovigilance
  • cosmetic product development, production and control 
  • development, production and control of dietary supplements, dietary foods and baby products
  • pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical marketing


What you will learn

Cosa sono i farmaci e come si usano

Conoscere le diverse classi terapeutiche ed il loro impiego

Come si preparano i medicinali

La loro preparazione a partire dai singoli componenti

Gli effetti tossici delle sostanze

Conoscere cosa sono le tossine, le sostanze d'abuso, i veleni

Come si dispensano i medicinali

La buona prassi della loro distribuzione e dispensazione

La normativa dei prodotti della salute

Le norme del mondo del farmaco e dei dispositivi medici

I prodotti cosmetici

Conoscere i principali cosmetici ed il loro impiego

Gli integratori alimentari ed i prodotti dietetici

Conoscere il loro uso, in generale e per fini medici particolari

I fitoterapici

I farmaci naturali vegetali ed il loro utilizzo in terapia

La farmacovigilanza e la fitovigilanza

La sorveglianza sui medicinali e sui prodotti naturali

Did you know that.

Farmacia deriva dalla corporazione degli speziali genovesi del XI secolo

Il corso di laurea è magistrale, quinquennale, a ciclo unico e riconosciuto nella Unione Europea

Metterai in pratica le nozioni teoriche con attività pratiche di laboratorio e di tirocinio

Il Dipartimento organizza eventi per favorire l'incontro di laureandi con il mondo del lavoro

Il 64,7% dei laureati in Farmacia di UniGe trova lavoro ad un anno dalla laurea

Al Dipartimento afferiscono la Scuola di Specializzazione in Farmacia Ospedaliera e due curricula di dottorati


The single-cycle bachelor's degree program is open access, has a duration of five years and the degree is recognized in all European Union countries (E.C. Directive 85/433/EEC of 9/16/85).

The course involves the study of basic and characterizing subjects. These are complemented by related activities that provide you with knowledge of medical-surgical devices, dietary products, cosmetics, herbal products, and diagnostics.

The educational pathway involves the acquisition of 300 CFUs with theoretical and practical teachings, laboratory exercises and a mandatory professional internship, to be carried out in a pharmacy for a period of 6 months (900 hours), which gives you access to the examination for licensing as a pharmacist.

The educational objectives of the Course provide you with multidisciplinary notions fundamental to the knowledge of:

  • of the structure and properties of drugs and substances used in the manufacture of medicines
  • of drug actions and interactions at the cellular and systemic levels
  • of the use of drugs and the monitoring of adverse reactions
  • of the toxicology of synthetic and naturally occurring chemicals
  • of technology, pharmacoeconomics, and national and EU regulations governing drug preparation and control activities


Paola Fossa DISFAR

Welcome girls and boys, welcome to our Course. I am delighted that you have chosen this educational path which I hope will fulfill your cultural and professional aspirations and which I hope will accompany you to the world of work. I wish you a peaceful and productive course of study.

Anna Pittaluga

Where we are

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DIFAR Teaching Secretariat
. V.le Cembrano 4, Genoa
tel. 010 3352647 - 010 3352624