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Final project

What is

In order to be admitted to the final examination, you must have passed the examinations of all the subjects included in your study plan and obtained the credits related to the other educational activities stipulated in the regulations.

With your paper you must demonstrate that you have acquired the skills of:

  • carry out research on a specific topic
  • know how to use sources and bibliography
  • explain with propriety and command of language the results achieved
  • support the related discussion
  • .

To graduate you will need to have acquired all 180 CFUs required by the regulations.

What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate you must:

  1. Deposit the thesis title (if provided)
  2. .
  3. Choose the graduation session
  4. .
  5. Fill out the AlmaLaurea questionnaire online
  6. Fill out the degree application online
  7. Deliver the thesis to the referring and coreferent professor
  8. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  9. .
  10. Fill out the assessment questionnaire for your course of study.


  1. Check that you are current with your tax payment
  2. .
  3. Pay the stamp tax of €16 for the issuance of the Graduation Diploma (payable through the online services - payment of fees and contributions)
  4. Check that you have taken all exams and educational activities
  5. Check that they are all marked on your online career.

Thesis title deposit

For undergraduates in Philosophy and History there is no filing of title.

Exceptions are made for students who wish to graduate under the guidance of a referee in a scientific-disciplinary field that is not in the LSC's Ordinance, who, according to the LSC's Teaching Regulations, must designate a coreferent from among the faculty members who are part of the LSC and request prior authorization from the Coordinator and the Course Council well in advance of the thesis date (4 months), using the thesis title deposit form, which should be sent to

Thesis delivery

By the deadlines given in the table with deadlines, you must deliver a copy of the final paper to your Referee (unless you agree to send it by e-mail or wetransfer).

Uploading the thesis pdf to the dedicated portal is not provided for bachelor's degrees, although it is indicated within the Dashboard. It applies only to master's degrees.



Deposit of thesis title
(only in the case for which it is intended)

via email to

at least 3 months in advance

A) Application for Graduation and Almalaurea
B) Registered exams and fees in good standing (including payment of the Graduation Stamp)

Online services

see webpage Graduation Sessions Calendar

Thesis volumes

to Referee and Coreferent (if applicable), in the manner agreed upon directly with faculty

see web page Calendar graduation sessions


The grade takes into account your curriculum and the result of the test discussion.

To the weighted average of the marks obtained during your course of study, expressed in hundredths, are added:

  • 1 point if you are current;
  • .
  • 1 point if you have participated in an international mobility programme in the course of which you have successfully taken examinations for at least 12 CFUs for a period of study equal to one semester and at least 18 CFUs for a period of study equal to two consecutive semesters.
    NB: Starting from the June 2025 session, up to 2 points will be awarded if you have participated in an international mobility programme for study, internship or thesis research purposes, in accordance with the criteria set out in the Academic Regulations of the Degree Course a.y. 2024/2025;
  • .
  • up to 3 points for the quality of the final examination
  • .

When the score reaches (or exceeds) 110, the committee may unanimously award the lode on the proposal of the reference lecturer.

You can only graduate if you have obtained a mark of no less than 66 out of 110.


Technical Directions.

Electronic presentation

The dissertation sessions will be held in classrooms equipped with video projectors, using a single computer equipped with an MS Windows operating system for the candidates' presentations, where possible. The presentation should be of a size compatible with the time available (suggested length approximately 12 slides) in order to illustrate the main aspects of the thesis work. Any further details may be developed during the discussion.


If you would like to use an electronic presentation during the discussion, you can test it 30 minutes before the start of the degree session.

Graduation photo shoot

For the conduct of photo shoots inside university buildings, please note the following:

  • accredited professionals, must wear an identification badge with surname first name and/or company name of the company, issued by the University
  • during each graduation session
  • this is without prejudice to the students' right to bring, with them and under their own responsibility, another trusted cameraman, professional or otherwise, to film during the final examination, it being understood that the same cameraman is strictly forbidden to remain on the University premises to offer his services to other undergraduates and their families
  • .
  • the University guarantees exclusively the disciplined, regular and efficient conduct of the ceremonies for the awarding of degrees, any agreements between the operator and the student are free, the University remains extraneous to the contractual relationship between them and cannot be held responsible, under any title, for the effects of such agreements.
  • .

For further information please refer to the attachments and the link