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Meetings to compile curricula and electives

27/05/2024 - 28/05/2024
molo yacht

On 27 and 28 May, two meetings will be held to illustrate how to compile curricula and to present the DIMA degree courses with the following programme.

  • Monday, 27 May, 2 p.m. room 706 - - presentation of the bachelor's degrees in mathematics and in SMID and how to compile the study plans for the third year. The meeting is aimed at students who are currently following the second year of both three-year degrees.
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  • Monday 27 May at 3 p.m. room 706 - presentation of the choice of subjects for the third year of SMID. The meeting is aimed at students who are currently following the second year of SMID.
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  • Tuesday 28 May  2pm  room 706 -  presentation  of the master's degree in mathematics and how to compile study plans for the first and second year of the master's degree.
  • Tuesday 28 May at 3 p.m. - presentation of the elective courses grouped by subject area aimed at all students currently following the second or third year of the bachelor's degree in mathematics or those in the first year of the master's degree. The presentations will be face-to-face and students are invited to rotate between the different classrooms according to the following schedule.
    • Lecture Room 508 Numerical Analysis and Methods for Data and Image Analysis
    • Lecture Room 509 Quantum Probability and Machine Learning
    • Lecture Room 706 Mathematical Analysis
    • Lecture Room 716 Statistical Modelling and Applied Probability
    • Lecture Room 704 Mathematical Physics
    • Lecture Room 705 Algebra and Cryptography
    • Lecture Room 713 Geometry
  • Lecture Room 714 Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Complex Analysis
  • Lecture Room 715 Mathematical Logic
  • Lecture Room 716 Non-DIMA Lecturers
  • Lecture Room 930 Didactics of Mathematics

Students are strongly encouraged to attend the meetings and, for this reason,  classes are suspended


  • Monday 27th afternoon: second-year mathematics (three-year) and SMID
Dove e quando?
  • DIMA
  • Lecture room 706
  • Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 May at 14
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