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Following the SMID degree program at UniGe makes a difference because:

  • we live in the age of data
  • statistician is the profession of the present and the future
  • statistics has taken on a new connotation in the age of Big Data
  • mathematics and computer science are essential tools for the informed analysis of data and the construction of interpretive models of reality
  • the course of study is multidisciplinary and professionalizing.

As Prof J. L. Hutton of the Department of Statistics at the University of Warwick writes, 'What I like of statistics is that you can do some of the formality and beauty of mathematics but you can also actually go out and think and solve problems.'

The MSID degree is for now the only Italian degree in statistics disciplines established in a Department of Mathematics. This is aligned with what is happening abroad, where both research and teaching in statistics are largely integrated within research and teaching in mathematics. Indeed, abroad, courses of study in Data Science, both undergraduate and master's, are also found in departments of Mathematics as well as in departments of Statistics.

What will you study

The goal of the degree program is to train modern statistics professionals with statistical, including computational, skills and a solid mathematical foundation, capable of adapting and updating their skills.

The training of basic is mathematical and computer science with specific insights in probabilistic and statistical fields. Ample space is also given to applications of statistics in a variety of fields.

 The breakdown of the 180 credits with respect to the various disciplines and activities is:

  • statistics and probability: 61 CFU
  • basic mathematics: 56 CFU
  • informatics: 23 CFU
  • physics: 9 CFU
  • choice activities: 12 CFU
  • internship: 10 CFU
  • final exam: 6 CFU
  • English: 3 CFU

Some of the teachings in the third year are professionalizing and have a strong connection with the local reality: this aspect constitutes a strength of the educational offerings of the degree program.

Many teachings, especially of the first year, are in common with the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. With respect to Mathematics SMID privileges applied aspects of the disciplines, so as to provide skills and professionalism expendable in the world of work already at the end of the three-year course.


Objectives of training

SMID graduates:

  • have good knowledge and understanding of basic topics in mathematics, particularly mathematical statistics, and probability
  • can apply the knowledge learned to formalize in mathematical-statistical language real problems, including those formulated in natural language; use models and recognize the conditions of their applicability; construct new models in order to study phenomena in the experimental, social, and economic sciences
  • have basic computer programming skills and skills related to data construction, management and processing and are able to independently expand their knowledge in the field.

After graduation

The demand for statistics, modeling, and data management skills is high and increasing. The ever-increasing availability of data makes it necessary to make informed analyses of it in order to make informed decisions.

The technical knowledge acquired and the methodologies for approaching the study and solution of real problems allow graduates to take two paths:

  • get immediately into the world of work
  • to pursue master's studies in Italy or abroad and possibly with a doctorate.

Some data

According to data from the latest National AlmaLaurea surveys on SMID graduates from 2010 to 2016 one year after graduation:

  • 51% continue their studies
  • 7.5% continue their studies and work at the same time
  • 33% are working
  • 8.5% are looking for work

For graduates who work immediately after graduation:

  • the average waiting time for the first job is 3 months
  • .
  • the studies done were effective for the work they are doing (73%). The corresponding national figures are: 65% for mathematics degrees and 59% for statistics degrees.


MSID graduate working immediately after graduation


Who is it?

He is a professional with statistical, computer skills and solid mathematical knowledge applicable in multiple areas of production and management of goods and services. Contributes to the analysis and understanding of problems, exploiting both the technical knowledge acquired in the various fields of statistics and the methodologies of approaching the study and solution of real issues. Is able to adapt and update his or her skills.

What does he/she do?

  • Captures, analyzes data and synthesizes it into information
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  • applies and defines statistical-probabilistic models (including advanced ones) for the interpretation of data and phenomena to which the data refer, knowing how to recognize their ranges and conditions of validity
  • draws from the analyses carried out possible solutions to be adopted in the production and management of goods and services and in scientific research.

Where does he work?

  • In biomedical field both in public and private facilities, in pharmaceutical companies, in public health-oriented research institutes.
  • In the financial sphere in banks and insurance companies, in companies dealing with risk management.
  • In entities conducting socio-economic research.
  • In industry for production line management, market research and quality control.
  • In entities dealing with spatial analysis, in public administration, in entities managing national statistical networks, and so on.