Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione alla laurea magistrale in Design navale e nautico a.a. 2024-2025
Requisiti di ammissione Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test. No If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. Admission requirements Are you a UniGe graduate? To apply for admission and take the test, you must have earned a degree belonging to the L-4 (Industrial Design) and L-17 (Architectural Science) class of DM 270/2004 or the corresponding class related to M.D. 509/99, or hold an equivalent Italian or foreign degree. You can also enroll with a degree in a different class, provided you have acquired at least 45 University Educational Credits (CFU) in the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD) indicated: ICAR/08 Construction Science ICAR/09 Construction Technology ICAR/12 Architectural technology ICAR/13 Industrial Design ICAR/14 Architectural and urban composition ICAR/16 Interior and exhibition architecture ICAR/17 Drawing ICAR/18 History of Architecture ING-IND/01 Naval Architecture ING-IND/02 Ship and marine plant construction ING-IND/11 Physics ING-IND/15 Industrial engineering design and methods INF/01 Computer Science MAT/03 Geometry MAT/05 Mathematical Analysis MAT/08 Numerical Analysis FIS /01 Experimental Physics N.B.Of the above 45 CFUs, at least 30 CFUs must have been acquired in the disciplinary scientific fields ICAR/13, ICAR/14, ICAR/16, ICAR/17. Admission to the competition is also conditional on knowledge of a language of the European Community in addition to Italian, certified by your syllabus or a certificate of at least level B1. Are you a UniGe undergraduate student? You can enter the selection test even if you have yet to graduate but you must meet the following curricular requirements: enrollment in a degree program class L-4 (Industrial Design) or L-17 (Architectural Sciences) of DM 270/2004 that have acquired at least 160 CFU by the deadline of this announcement knowledge of a language of the European Union, in addition to Italian, certified by the curriculum of the degree in possession or, alternatively, by an appropriate certificate of at least B1 level. If you meet all the requirements, and you are placed in a useful position in the ranking list, you will be enrolled "under condition" until you graduate.N.B.The degree must be obtained by March 31, 2021. Did you graduate from another university? In the event that you have obtained the degree required for access at another University, you must upload in .pdf format through the procedure in Article 3 of the admission notice and by the deadline, the documentation showing the exams passed. To enable verification by the examining board, you will have to indicate, for each exam, the scientific disciplinary field and the university credits acquired.
Sign up for UniGe and the Test To register for this course of study, you need to go through the procedure online which includes (check out the TUTORIAL): The registration to this Portal (if you have never been registered at the University of Genoa) The pre-registration: in the screen that will appear you will have to enter the credentials received with the registration (previous point) Registration confirmation N.B. Pre-registration is equivalent to registration for the entrance test. You can proceed with the confirmation of matriculation ONLY if you pass the entrance test successfully.
Support the Entrance Test Go to the page Entrance Test to find the directions needed to take the test.
Complete your registration If you have passed the entrance test and are on the ranking list, you can complete your application (see the TUTORIAL): confirm that you want to enrol in this course pay the first instalment of fees Consult the admission notice to find out how to confirm your enrolment in this course of study.