Course Council Coordinator He is in charge of carrying out the functions assigned to him by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations:coordinates committees and those responsible for the activities of the Course of Studyconvenes the CdS Councilapproves the SUA-CdS, the SMA and the RCRs chairs monthly meetings of Internship Coordinators. Contact Anna Maria Bagnasco - The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep management processes under control. Course of Study QA Committee It is in charge of:compiling and updating the Single Annual Report Card (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)editing the Cyclic Review Report (RCR) and monitoring the progress of proposed improvement activitiesanalyzing teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, reports of the School Joint Committee. monitor students' careers. monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and administrative technical staff identify the training demand and training objectivesdevelop the training course revise each year the didactics and teaching regulations of the course of study Committee members Loredana Sasso - - 010 353 8315Annamaria Bagnasco - - 010 3538415Cristina Cartiglia - - 010 3533003 (TA)Giancarlo Icardi - - 010 5552375Francesca Mattioli - - 010 3538850Elizabeth Dholly Pellissery Paul - - 010 5552492Maria Adelaide Pronzato - - 010 3538826Samuele Barabino - (student)Sara Lanna - (student) Teaching Commission It is in charge of:verifying teaching facilities and student servicesverifying CFUs in relation to teaching load and progression in semestersrevising entry requirements and arrangements for mid-term and final examinationschecking information in teaching recordsmonitoring the course of education and organizing it taking into account the needs of facilities and services monitor students' careers revise the didactics and didactic regulations of the BODevaluate the formation of the BOD by analyzing the coherence of the course of study and training activities Committee members Loredana Sasso - - 010 353 8315 Annamaria Bagnasco - - 010 3538415 Giancarlo Icardi - - 010 5552375Francesca Mattioli - - 010 353 8850Elizabeth Dholly Pellissery Paul - - 010 5552492 Maria Adelaide Pronzato - - 010 3538826Paolo Durando - - 010 3538133 Paola Ghiorzo - - 010 353-8949 Steering Committee It is responsible for:expressing the needs from society and the world of work and cultureproviding an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training. Determine the scheduling of accesses to the CoS for the following academic year together with:Representatives of the Professional and Trade AssociationsRepresentatives of the SchoolRepresentatives of the Liguria region. Responsible for internships, traineeships and job orientation It is responsible for:managing and organizing the internship activities of the three-year course collecting from the internship mentors the opinions of the institutions at which internships were conductedcollecting the evaluations of the internship guides on the students' activitiessupervising the entire professionalizing training of the students in the three-year course, also in function of postgraduate professional opportunities brokering between students and those responsible for the coordination and operation of the various Operational Units Managers Names and contact details of Internship Coordinators are given on the page: Responsible for study guidance and mentoring Inbound orientation and mentoring activities are managed and coordinated by a specific Commission of the SMF School, whose functions and responsibilities are described in the specific framework of the SUA CdS (B5). To complement this, the Degree Course employs an Internship Coordinator and internship tutors for the reception and initial orientation of matriculated students, at the Course's training sites. The mentoring activities related to the conduct of the Internship are entrusted to specific professional figures , identified every three years as required by the specific regulatory provisions on the Bachelor's/Master's Degree Courses of the Health Professions. Responsible Franco Onofri - - 010 3537967 Web site manager It is responsible for:updating and verifying the information on the study course websitechecking that transparency requirements are met gathering suggestions from students to improve content Managers Loredana Sasso - - 010 353 8315Education Support Unit - - 010 3538411 Responsible for coordinating class schedule and exams It is responsible for:managing class schedules so as to avoid overlapping optimize the distribution of exam dates optimize the distribution of exams according to propedeuticity constraints, in consultation with the coordinators of integrated teachings (so-called "integrated courses") Responsible Loredana Sasso - - 010 353 8315 Responsible for international activities International activities are managed and coordinated by a specific committee at the SMF School level, whose functions and responsibilities are described in the SUA CdS framework (B5). The department has equipped itself with an Erasmus Contact Person who acts as a liaison between the committee and the course coordinators. Contact persons Gianluca Damonte - gianluca.damonte@unige.itLoredana Sasso - - 010 35383154 Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Cristina - Department of Health Sciences