Who should conduct the Verification You are exempt from the personal background check if you have earned final grades equal or higher than 101/110 in a degree in the following classes: L-17 Architectural Science (formerly DM 270/04). LM-4 Architecture and Building Engineering-Architecture (formerly DM 270/04) 04 Science of architecture and building engineering (former DM 509/99) 4/S Architecture and building engineering (former DM 509/99) English proficiency is automatically verified if you have a certification or attestation of at least B2 level or if you have earned a bachelor's degree delivered in English. How to access To take the Verification of Adequacy of Graduate Personal Readiness you must make the pre-registration so as to be on the lists of students who must take the test. Following that, if the test is successful, you must confirm your matriculation. For pre-registration and the test you will not have to pay anything. Payment of the registration fee and regional fee is due at the time of confirmation of registration. You must pay the registration fee and regional fee. N.B.: Pre-registration and verification of personal preparation adequacy are free of charge. Payment of the application fee and regional fee is expected at the time of confirmation of registration. How it works The test consists of a public interview aimed at ascertaining your general preparedness. English language proficiency is tested by online test delivered by the University's language skills department or by oral interview with the designated course committee. If you have graduated abroad you will have to take a test of Italian language proficiency administered by UniGe's School of Italian Language and Culture to ascertain that you meet the B2 level. If you fail the test, you must take free Italian courses organized by the University of Genoa to reach the required level of Italian language proficiency. Where and when To prepare you Commission