CODE 65087 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 12 cfu anno 2 CONSERVAZIONE DEI BENI CULTURALI 8453 (L-1) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 3 LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno LINGUE E CULTURE MODERNE 8740 (L-11) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-38) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE PER I SERVIZI CULTURALI 9265 (LM-37) - GENOVA 9 cfu anno 3 LETTERE 8457 (L-10) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 3 FILOSOFIA 8455 (L-5) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-ART/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW This course provides students with a comprehensive knowledge of the dynamics of artistic production in the early modern age and an understanding of the artistic artefacts of the time, in relation to the culture, society and territorial context in which they were produced. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching aims to present to students the dynamics of artistic production from the early Renaissance to the Neoclassical era in order to allow them to possess interpretative models of those phenomena, in particular to link the works of art to culture, the society and the territorial fabric in which they are determined. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES This course addresses the dynamics of early modern artistic production by analysing its protagonists and the contexts in which the works of art were commissioned and executed. Consequently, the course provides the methodological skills necessary to approach the understanding and interpretation of figurative documents of the time. The student will have to know the main nodes of the historical-artistic sequence (with special reference to Italy), the most significant commissions and the stylistic solutions adopted in relation to the specific cultural, social and political context in which the production of artistic artefacts took place. Specifically, at the end of the course students should be able to: - place works of art and artists in a correct timeline, linking the artefacts to the historical context and the society in which they were produced; - know the contents of the lessons they attendend and of the set bibliography they studied; - demonstrate that they possess the critical tools necessary for the analysis of images relevant to the course; - apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to concrete case studies. PREREQUISITES Knowledge of the main historical events from the early 15th to the late 18th centuries. TEACHING METHODS Classes are held in presence. Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended. The course delivery is annual (the first 20 lectures will be delivered in the first semester and the remaining 20 lectures in the second semester). A student enrolling for 12 cfu must attend the entire course (20 lectures in the first semester; 20 lectures in the second semester). The student who enrols in the 9 cfu course must attend 20 lessons in the first semester and 10 lessons in the second semester. A student enrolling for 6 cfu must attend the first-semester's 20 lectures. Only those students who attend the lessons in person are eligible for the "attending students exam program" (see Reccomended reading/bibliography). The lecturers - at the specific and motivated request of a student, expressed by email - may allow studentes to follow the lessons remotely, via the Teams platform. The actual attendance of the attending students can be verified through the collection of signatures. The lectures make use of the presentation of images via PowerPoint, which will later be made available in AulaWeb. LESSONS START: End of September 2023: first semester, 20 lessons (6 cfu) February 2023: , secondo semester, 20 lectures (6 cfu) SYLLABUS/CONTENT Programme for students using the 12-credit option: History of art from the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 18th century: an itinerary through exemplary episodes and personalities will be proposed to outline the relationship between artist, patron and public. Added set texts for in-depth study of specific topics. Programme for students using the 9-credit option: History of art from the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 18th century: an itinerary through exemplary episodes and personalities will be proposed in order to outline the relationship between artist, patron and public. Programme for students using the 6-credit option: History of art of artistic production from the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 17th century: an itinerary through exemplary episodes and personalities will be proposed in order to outline the relationship between artist, commissioner and public. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography for students using the 12-credit option (who regularly attended classes). A textbook can be chosen from among the following: - P. De Vecchi, A. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Bompiani: volume 2, I Tomo (Dal Gotico internazionale alla Maniera Moderna); volume 2, II tomo (Dalla crisi della Maniera al Rococò). - E. Bairati, A. Finocchi, Arte in Italia. Lineamenti di storia e materiali di studio, Loescher Editore: volume 2 (L’Italia nel Rinascimento), volume 3 (Dal XVII al XX secolo [fino al capitolo XII incluso]). - C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Mondadori: volume 2 (Dal Romanico al Gotico Internazionale [solo l’unità 12)]; volume 3 (Dal Rinascimento all’età controriformata); volume 4 (Dal Barocco all’Arte Nouveau [fino all’unità 22 inclusa]). - Storia dell'arte italiana, a cura di C. Bertelli, G. Briganti, A. Giuliano, Electa Mondadori (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). - G. Dorfles, M. Ragazzi, Civiltà d'arte, Atlas (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). - G. Cricco, F.P. Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell'arte, Zanichelli (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). Further texts on specific topics will be suggested at a later time. Bibliography for students using the 9-credit option (who regularly attended classes). A textbook can be chosen from among the following: - P. De Vecchi, A. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Bompiani: volume 2, I Tomo (Dal Gotico internazionale alla Maniera Moderna); volume 2, II tomo (Dalla crisi della Maniera al Rococò). - E. Bairati, A. Finocchi, Arte in Italia. Lineamenti di storia e materiali di studio, Loescher Editore: volume 2 (L’Italia nel Rinascimento), volume 3 (Dal XVII al XX secolo [fino al capitolo XII incluso]). - C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Mondadori: volume 2 (Dal Romanico al Gotico Internazionale [solo l’unità 12)]; volume 3 (Dal Rinascimento all’età controriformata); volume 4 (Dal Barocco all’Arte Nouveau [fino all’unità 22 inclusa]). - Storia dell'arte italiana, a cura di C. Bertelli, G. Briganti, A. Giuliano, Electa Mondadori (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). - G. Dorfles, M. Ragazzi, Civiltà d'arte, Atlas (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). - G. Cricco, F.P. Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell'arte, Zanichelli (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). Bibliography for students using the 6-credit option (who regularly attended classes). A textbook can be chosen from among the following: - P. De Vecchi, A. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Bompiani: volume 2, I Tomo (Dal Gotico internazionale alla Maniera Moderna); volume 2, II tomo (Dalla crisi della Maniera al Rococò). - E. Bairati, A. Finocchi, Arte in Italia. Lineamenti di storia e materiali di studio, Loescher Editore: volume 2 (L’Italia nel Rinascimento), volume 3 (Dal XVII al XX secolo [fino al capitolo XII incluso]). - C. Bertelli, La storia dell’arte, Mondadori: volume 2 (Dal Romanico al Gotico Internazionale [solo l’unità 12)]; volume 3 (Dal Rinascimento all’età controriformata); volume 4 (Dal Barocco all’Arte Nouveau [fino all’unità 22 inclusa]). - Storia dell'arte italiana, a cura di C. Bertelli, G. Briganti, A. Giuliano, Electa Mondadori (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). - G. Dorfles, M. Ragazzi, Civiltà d'arte, Atlas (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). - G. Cricco, F.P. Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell'arte, Zanichelli (i volumi relativi alla periodizzazione Quattrocento-Settecento). Bibliography for students who could not attend classes: Students who could not attend classes must prepare the same texts as other students, with the addition of two further set texts (to be agreed with the lecturers). TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LAURA STAGNO Ricevimento: By appointment only (please write an email to Professor Stagno,, in person (office in via Balbi 4, 5th floor) or by Teams platform. DANIELE SANGUINETI Ricevimento: Reception by appointment (the Teams platform or, if necessary, in presence at the studios in via Balbi 4, 5th floor) by writing an email: Exam Board LAURA STAGNO (President) VALENTINA BORNIOTTO DANIELE SANGUINETI (President Substitute) MATTEO CAPURRO (Substitute) GIACOMO MONTANARI (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START September 26 (Tuesday), 2023 (first semester) February 27 (Tuesday), 2024 (second semester) Class schedule MODERN ART HISTORY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral exam. The candidate is invited to recognize, contextualize and discuss significant works of art (among those presented in the texts included in the bibliography), placing them in an art history timeline; he/she will be asked to critically present the themes, artists and issues addressed during the lectures or presented in the textbook or textbooks he/she selected. For students who attended classes (in person): At the end of the first semester, students taking the course for 6 cfu will be able to sit the exam (on the scheduled dates) from the December 2023 session on. From the December 2023 session, students taking the 9 or 12 cfu course may take an oral examination on the first half of the syllabus; they must then complete the exam by being interviewed on the second half of the syllabus from the May 2024 session on. The official grade will be recorded after the student completes the full exam. It is always possible to be examined on the entire syllabus directly in a single oral examination, starting from the first available official session (May 2024). Intermediate optional tests (reserved for attending students only): students who attended classes in person will be given the opportunity to take partial written examinations focusing solely on the contents covered in lectures delivered up to that point (and therefore available through the students' notes and the images in the slides on AulaWeb). Passing each optional intermediate test will enable the student to receive a partial grade on a portion of the exam program that will no longer be tested in the oral examination. These tests will be scheduled at an intermediate point during classes in the first semester and at a second intermediate point during the second semester's classes. The lecturers will further clarify the details of the examination procedures during classes. For students who did not attend classes: At the end of the first semester, students taking the course for 6 cfu will be able to sit the exam (on the dates scheduled in the calendar of appointments) from the December 2023 session. From the same December session, students taking 9 or 12 cfu may take an oral examination on the first half of the syllabus; they must then complete the examination, taking the second half of the syllabus, from the May 2024 session, when the official grade will be recorded. It is always possible to take the entire programme directly in a single oral examination, starting from the first available official session (May 2024). Non-attending students will not be able to take the tests ("Intermediate optional tests") reserved for attending students. ASSESSMENT METHODS The candidate's preparation will be assessed on the basis of his/her ability (acquired through the study of the set texts and, in the case of attending students, through their participation in the lectures) to correctly place the works of art and artistic phenomena under consideration in their time and cultural context, also taking into account the candidate’s fluency and mastery of the relevant lexicon. Evaluation scale: 1. if the student demonstrates that he/she has fully understood the set texts, recognizes and chronologically places relevant artworks, discusses topics with critical awareness and fully appropriate terminology, the examination will be graded between very good and excellent (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude); 2. if the student demonstrates that he/she has mostly but not completely understood the set texts, recognizes and chronologically places some of the relevant artworks, discusses topics with partial critical awareness and a terminology that is generally but not consistently appropriate, the examination will be graded between good (25/30-27/30) and satisfactory (23/30-24/30); 3. a basic knowledge of the topics and relevant artworks, with only partial understanding and modest critical awareness, with a basic grasp of specific terminology, may still be considered sufficient (18/30-22/30); 4. Extensive knowledge gaps, lack of comprehension and critical awareness, inability to use specific terminology will be assessed negatively (under 18/30: fail). Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 23/01/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale 08/02/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale 09/05/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale 06/06/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale 21/06/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale 23/07/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale 12/09/2024 08:30 GENOVA Orale Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education