Teaching Vademecum What is a CFU A Credito Formativo Universitario (CFU) is the Italian equivalent of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One CFU corresponds to an average of 25 hours of work, including classroom lectures, labs, projects and independent preparation. What is the master's degree A Master's degree course aims to provide you with advanced training for the pursuit of highly qualified activities. To obtain a Master's degree, you must acquire 120 CFU, equivalent to 2 years of study. You can only enter the Master's degree if you have obtained a graduate degree or an equivalent qualification (former university degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years)
Spaces Do you want to study over the weekend? The Polo Alberti study room (Via L. B. Alberti 4, ground floor) is also open on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.. Remember that you must show your university badge to gain access.. Home food Homefoods are cosy university spaces, dedicated to students who want a convivial space where they can eat together and warm up the meal they brought from home or bought outside. They are equipped with tables, microwave ovens and wifi network.. In some cases they also have vending machines for drinks and snacks. Access is free and open to all UniGe students.. Your home food can be found: . in viale Benedetto XV 6 - piano primo in via dei Toni 3 - piano fondi