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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-4
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language English
Teaching mode In-person
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

Programme overview


The Architectural Composition course is held in English and is addressed to foreign and Italian students interested to study and work in an international context. Deepening the Italian architectural design culture and focusing on the central role of Composition: these are the tools proposed to deal with the discipline of architecture, which is a complex discipline, both because it changes every day but, at the same time, it has always been the same for thousands of years.

Learning by doing

Architecture can be learned in many different ways: by observing the world, reflecting theoretically on it, designing it, transforming it, or just describing it. The principal teaching model of the Master’s Degree in Architectural Composition is the workshop, deemed to be the most suitable way to become an architect.

Career perspectives

Architectural Composition prepares students to enter the world of international firms, aware of the cultural, technical, and social implications of the architectural production process,  as architects who are confident in their role as projects directors and able to cooperate with the other specialists involved.

What you will learn

Read architecture

Understand historical buildings

Make the world a better place

Be conscious of the importance of the beauty of your own projects

Be aware of architecture’s social aspects

Understand the cities and the contexts in which you will design

History and contemporaneity

Learn from the past to explore new ways


Loving corners


Resisting triviality

Did you know that...

We are building relationships with leading international schools to exchange students, teachers and share experiences.

You can apply for funding to study in North and South America, Africa, and Asia, or to work in Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Paris.
During the course you will attend an internship in one of the most important architectural offices of Europe.

Rooms are very cheap in Genoa. UniGe will help you to find an apartment.


The Master’s Degree course in Architectural Composition is offered in English and aims to prepare the intellectual and professional figure of the European architect with an appropriate cultural profile. A figure that is able to consciously elaborate a project at the scale of the architectural artefact, with particular attention to its cultural values, its compositional aspects, and its relationship with the context. The course allows these objectives to be achieved through:

  • an acquired knowledge of the theoretical assumptions underlying projects, i.e., understanding the conditions within which they operate
  • an acquired knowledge of past design methods and of their relationship with the conditions within which they operated
  • an acquired mastery of the strategies of persuasion that architectural projects must deploy in order to achieve realization
  • the ability to carry out the practical activity of architectural design and Composition, i.e., the verification - also in relation to contemporary society’s most important issues - of specific disciplinary aspects
  • the ability to synthesize architectural knowledge within the project, i.e., the ability to deal with the structural, technical and plant engineering requirements of an architectural artefact, integrating them into the design process, thus maintaining control over its formal qualities.

Head of programme

prof. christiano lepratti

Welcome to Genova! Welcome to Architectural Composition! This year a new adventure begins, full of expectation and good vibes. We look forward to seeing you and we are confident that you will leave an important mark in the life of our new school.

Christiano Lepratti

Where to find us

Genova is a city full of “vicoli” and spaces to be discovered, squeezed between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains, and well connected to Milan, Nice and Florence. Architectural Composition is located in the historical centre, in the medieval complex of Sant'Agostino, inside the beautiful building designed by Ignazio Gardella. The school is well equipped with modelling labs and large open spaces for discussion and socialization.

Sportello Unico studenti politecnica 
Stradone S. Agostino 37, Genova

Learn more

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