An opportunity for the best students The Research Training Pathway (PFR) aims to enhance the training of students interested in in-depth activities in the field of research. If you are a deserving and motivated student, the programme is aimed at you and provides for progressive participation in research activity that enables you to develop the ability to conceive and carry out an autonomous project. During the programme you will learn: scientific discipline methodology analytical ability critical ability and culture in order to learn the correct approach to research problems and their solution. Group work and, in parallel, leadership will be encouraged, with the aim of communicating a passion for research, enhancing personal skills, highlighting any critical issues and areas for improvement, developing independent judgement and scientific creativity. At the end of the training course you will receive the Diploma Supplement: a certification of the activity carried out. Attachments Document Regolamento PFR Metodologie filosofiche Document Bando PFR Metodologie filosofiche 2024-25 Document Modulo per presentare domanda
The projects For the academic year 2024/25, the proposed projects are as follows: Digital technologies, mental health and cognitive development Proposing teacher and tutors: Cristina Amoretti and Davide Serpico Texts, Contexts, Translations in the History of Contemporary Philosophy Lecturer proposer and tutor: Marco Damonte Philosophy, School, Society Proponent and tutor: Marco Damonte The re-appropriative uses of denigrating epithets Lecturer proposer and tutor: Prof. Filippo Domaneschi The experiential artefacts between philosophy of mind, aesthetics and philosophy of technology Proposing and tutoring teachers: Enrico Terrone and Luca Marchetti For further information, please refer to the attached project sheets. Attachments Document Progetto 1 Document Progetto 2 Document Progetto 3 Document Progetto 4 Document Progetto 5
How to participate To take part in the Research Training Course you must send your application by 1 December 2024,to the following email address: Remember to indicate your chosen research project from among those proposed.. The maximum number of candidates admitted to the Research Training Pathway for the academic year 2024/2025 is set at 10 (ten) students. Requirements You can enter the competition if you are a student: in the first year with a bachelor's degree grade of at least 110/110 in the first year not yet graduated but with all the credits required for the three-year degree course and an average of no less than 29/30. In addition, to be admitted, you must graduate by the autumn session with a grade of 110/110 or higher. enrolled in the second year of the course and have acquired at least 36 CFUs envisaged in the first-year curriculum with an average mark of no less than 27/30 An additional requirement is a good knowledge of English, especially in writing, or of another language if required by the chosen project. Eligibility interview To assess your suitability, you will be interviewed by a commission. During the interview you will have to: discuss your chosen research project. read and translate part of a recent scientific publication in a language of your choice from English, French, Spanish and German. The aptitude interview will take place Tuesday 10 December 2024 starting at 11 a.m. in the office of Professors Domaneschi and Vaccarezza, Via Balbi 30.. Admission ranking In order to allocate the available places,the Commission will draw up an admission ranking list which will be published by 13 December 2024 in the News and events section of this site.
Read more Study Course CoordinatorMaria Cristina Amoretti President of the PFR Commission of the CdS in Philosophical Methodologies Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - The DAFIST Teaching Secretariat Via Balbi 4, 3rd Sportello Unico Studenti di Scienze Umanistiche Via Balbi 4, 16126 Genova 010 209