What is The undergraduate examination consists of the discussion of a thesis, before a committee, prepared under the guidance of a thesis advisor and a co-rapporteur. The thesis may be of the following character: experimental theoretical-systematic historical-philosophical may deal with your internship experience You may choose as a speaker any faculty member of the University who teaches a discipline belonging to a scientific-disciplinary field in which you have taken at least one exam. In case the lecturer does not belong to the degree course, the co-rapporteur will necessarily have to be one. You may write the paper: in Italian in another language of the European Union (English, French, German, Spanish), if your supervisor and co-rapporteur agree To be admitted to the final examination, you must have passed the examinations of all the subjects included in your study plan and obtained the credits related to the other educational activities required by the regulations. Attachments Document regolamento-tesi-di-laurea-magistrale-DAFIST_05-07-2023.pdf Document Modello di frontespizio Plagiarism check. Students are expected to use sources properly, citing them appropriately both in the text and in the final bibliography and always quoting others' words in quotation marks. In order to counter the misuse of sources available on the web, the texts of the final papers are subjected to an anti-plagiarism check using special software. If the thesis advisor believes that the student has not used sources correctly, he or she may require the student to revise the thesis in its entirety and, if necessary, to postpone the dissertation to a later session.
What to do to graduate If you experience any problems in your career contact the Student One Stop Shop. In case you decide to not graduate in the session for which you have applied you will have to notify the Single Student Desk promptly. N.B. Slipping your graduation application from one session to another does not happen automatically. You must therefore make a request at the Single Student Desk. Se sei un laureando devi: 1. Scegliere la sessione di laurea I Dipartimenti dell’Area Lettere della Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche prevedono 7 appelli, così distribuiti: Giugno - Luglio - Ottobre - Novembre - Dicembre - Febbraio - Marzo La prima sessione utile per potersi laureare nell'ultimo anno accademico di iscrizione è quella di giugno. L'ultima sessione utile è quella di marzo dell'anno successivo. 2. Compilare online la Domanda di laurea e il Questionario Almalaurea Per iscriverti all'esame di laurea, circa 2 mesi prima della sessione si apre il servizio per la compilazione online della domanda di laurea. La domanda di laurea si compila online dal Portale studenti (è necessaria l’autenticazione UnigePass), contestualmente alla compilazione del questionario AlmaLaurea. La domanda di laurea approvata online dal Docente NON deve essere consegnata allo Sportello dello studente, così come non è necessario consegnare la ricevuta di compilazione del questionario AlmaLaurea. Entro la data di scadenza della domanda di laurea ricordati di: Controllare di essere in regola con il pagamento delle tasse Pagare l'imposta di bollo di € 16 per l'emissione del Diploma di laurea (pagabile tramite i servizi on line – pagamento tasse e contributi) Verificare di avere sostenuto tutti gli esami e le altre attività formative Controllare che siano tutti segnati sulla tua carriera online La mancata registrazione degli esami e delle altre attività formative non impedisce la conferma online della domanda di laurea, che va comunque effettuata entro la scadenza indicata. Puoi effettuare il pagamento del bollo di laurea soltanto dopo aver confermato la domanda di laurea online. Per poterti laureare dovrai invece controllare che tutto sia registrato online. Puoi verificare la tua situazione accedendo al Cruscotto Laurea. 3. Consegnare la tesi e caricarla nel portale online Entro i termini indicati nella tabella con le scadenze, devi consegnare al tuo Relatore e al Correlatore una copia dell'elaborato, nelle modalità concordate direttamente con i docenti (consegna di una copia rilegata o trasmissione per posta elettronica o altro servizio tipo Wetransfer). Devi inoltre caricare il file pdf della tesi nel portale dedicato e inserire l’abstract in italiano e in inglese. Nel portale è disponibile la guida al caricamento della tesi. 4. Restituire eventuali libri presi in prestito Entro la scadenza per la consegna della tesi di laurea devi verificare di aver restituito il materiale librario eventualmente preso in prestito dalle biblioteche. Per farlo accedi al tuo portale dei Servizi online > Webstudenti Compilare il questionario di valutazione annuale del tuo corso di studio La compilazione dei questionari della valutazione della didattica è un importante strumento per far emergere eventuali criticità e debolezze dei corsi di studio. Se sei uno studente regolarmente iscritto puoi compilare il questionario di valutazione annuale del tuo corso di studio al termine di ogni anno accademico. N.B. La valutazione annuale non è disponibile per gli studenti iscritti fuori corso. Puoi presentare la domanda di laurea solo dopo aver compilato il questionario di valutazione annuale della didattica (a meno che non siano scaduti i termini: in tal caso non è previsto alcun blocco). If you are enrolled in the 24 CFU Pathway check if you are eligible for the additional semester in order to apply for graduation as previous academic year by contacting the Humanities Student One-stop Shop. Scadenze COSA DOVE ENTRO QUANDO A) Domanda di laurea e Almalaurea B) Esami registrati e tasse in regola (compreso il pagamento del Bollo di laurea) Servizi online vedi la pagina web Calendario sessioni di laurea Volumi della tesi a Relatore e Correlatore (nelle modalità concordate direttamente con i docenti) e nel portale online vedi la pagina web Calendario sessioni di laurea N.B. Tutte le scadenze vanno rispettate, pena l’esclusione dalla sessione di laurea.
Technical Directions. Formatting To format your dissertation remember that:. texts must be written using Times New Roman font. the font body should be 12 point (notes go in body 10). the size of the left-right and top-bottom margins must be 2.5 cm the line spacing must be 2 points (1.5 cm) printing must be double-sided the overall length of the text must be a minimum of 100,000 and a maximum of 300,000 characters, including spaces Bibliography There are many methods of citation and you will have to agree with your lecturer on which method to follow. Just remember to use the same method for the entire bibliography. Order of bibliography (by last name) Surname and Name of author(s) (in full; if there are two or three authors, the names should be separated by a comma) Surname and Name of the curator(s) followed by "(edited by)." In case of more than two editors, the first one may be cited followed by the formula et al. Books and curatorships Surname First Name, (YEAR) Title and Subtitle of the work, City: Publishing House. Examples: Dummett Michael (2006) Thought and Reality, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Segre Cesare and Ossola Carlo (eds.) 2001 Anthology of Italian Poetry.. Vol. V: Seicento, Turin: Einaudi Articles from magazines, newspapers and other periodicals, pamphlets Surname Name, (YEAR), "Title and Subtitle" in Name of Journal, volume number, issue: pages Example:. Karlsson Mikael (1995) "Defeating the Inference from General to Particular Norms" in Ratio Juris 8/3: 271-286 Book chapters, essays in miscellany Surname First Name, (YEAR) "Title and Subtitle" in Name and Surname of Curator/1 Volume title: pp. [contribution pages], city, edition. Example:. Kuhlmann, Meinard (2011) "Mechanisms in Dynamically Complex Systems," in P. McKay Illari, F. Russo, & J. Williamson (Eds.), Causality in the Sciences, Oxford: Oxford University Press Modalities for note writing: citation of a work in a note A useful way to help easily find the text cited in the bibliography is to cite it in a footnote or in the body of the paper. For example: See Karsson (1995). Karslsson (1995) argues that.... As Karlsson (1995: 24-5) argues. Abbreviations to be used in footnotes or in the text Anon. Anonymous art.article (for articles of Law). cap.chapter (plural: chap.) cfr.compare, see also, refer to cit.work previously cited (if of the author(s) other works are cited) edition edition fig. figure (plural: figg) infra. see below supra see above. loc. cit. place cited MS manuscript (plural: MSS) N.B.note well n.s.new series. n. number (plural: nn.) op. cit. previously cited work passim here and there (when not referring to a specific place in the text) p. page (plural: pp.) par. paragraph (plural: parr.); also: § r recto s.d. undated (of edition). s.l. without place (of edition) following sec.. seg. section sic so (written so by the very author being quoted) NdA author's note [usually in square brackets] NdT translator's note [usually in square brackets] NdC editor's note [usually in square brackets] NdR editor's note. tab. table. tav.table trad.translation (also: tr.) v verse. vol.volume (plural: vol.) Citations and signs to be used in the text and in footnotes The quotes are spelled:. in a smaller body (10 pt). with an indentation from the normal margins of the text in single line spacing [...] ellipsis reporting should be used to define an omission or cut. "..." double high quotes should be used to signal: the use of direct speech a quotation within the text '...' single high quotes should be used in place of double quotation marks when in text that is already enclosed in double quotation marks [ ] square brackets are to be used to signal within non-original (i.e. quoted) text any intrusion by you cursive should be used when foreign (as opposed to Italian) or Latin/Greek terms appear in the text. Web Sources. The thesis may contain a synography.. In the thesis, citations from the web may be of various kinds: you can simply cite a reference site. E.g. http://www.archive.org/index.php you can cite an article taken from a website. E.g., Maurizio Boscarol, What is Web site usability, 11/30/2000, http://www.usabile.it/012000.htm you must enter the date of last consultation of the resource (last consultation: dd.mm.yyyyy). you must indicate the time reference. E.g. Weber, Marcel (2012), "Experiment in Biology," in Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/biology-experiment/ Electronic presentation The dissertation sessions will be held in classrooms equipped with video projectors, using a single computer equipped with an MS Windows operating system for the candidates' presentations, where possible. The presentation should be of a size compatible with the time available (suggested length approximately 12 slides) in order to illustrate the main aspects of the thesis work. Any further details may be developed during the discussion.. If you would like to use an electronic presentation during the discussion, you can test it 30 minutes before the start of the degree session. Graduation photo shoot For the conduct of photo shoots inside university buildings, please note the following: accredited professionals, must wear an identification badge with surname first name and/or company name of the company, issued by the University during each graduation session this is without prejudice to the students' right to bring, with them and under their own responsibility, another trusted cameraman, professional or otherwise, to film during the final examination, it being understood that the same cameraman is strictly forbidden to remain on the University premises to offer his services to other undergraduates and their families. the University guarantees exclusively the disciplined, regular and efficient conduct of the ceremonies for the awarding of degrees, any agreements between the operator and the student are free, the University remains extraneous to the contractual relationship between them and cannot be held responsible, under any title, for the effects of such agreements. . For further information please refer to the attachments and the link https://unige.it/fotografi Attachments Document Regolamento della procedura di accreditamento per lo svolgimento di attività di riprese fotografiche e audiovisive Document Norme di condotta fotografi 2024 Document TABELLA B - OPERATORI ACCREDITATI
Evaluation The vote must take into account: your curricular background the result of the test discussion. To the weighted average of the marks obtained during your course of study, expressed in hundredths of a second, are added: 1 point if you participated in an international mobility programme in the course of which you successfully completed examinations for at least 12 CFUs for a period of study equal to one semester and at least 18 CFUs for a period of study equal to two consecutive semesters 1 point if you have successfully completed the PFR (Research Training Pathway), if envisaged by the degree course up to 6 points for the quality of the final exam (quality of the final paper; ability to present and discuss the paper, responding to the questions formulated by the Commission) NB:from the June 2025 session it has been decided to also award 1 point up to 2 points to those who have participated in an international mobility programme for study, internship or thesis research purposes, in accordance with the criteria set out in the Academic Regulations of the Master's Degree Course a.y. 2024/2025. When the score reaches (or exceeds) 110, the committee may unanimously award the lode on the proposal of the supervisor. You can only graduate if you have obtained a mark of no less than 66 out of 110.
Withdrawal of parchments The collection of Degree, Master's, Doctorate and Postgraduate Parchments for all schools takes place by appointment at the 'UniGe World' premises at Via Balbi 40-42 r - ground floor (opposite Via Balbi 5). Info, timetable and booking on the page Diploma collection