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Our School:

  • meets the desire to be useful, understand and help others
  • .
  • allows one to carry out the research most close to the human being
  • offers good employment opportunities
  • .

What will you study

The first two years of studies is devoted to the acquisition of basic knowledge related to cell structure and function, morphology of the human body, function of apparatus and systems, and genesis of diseases.

Starting from third year the following are gradually introduced and explored:

  • the history and objective examination of the patient
  • the principles of drug action and their indications
  • the main instrumental diagnostics in the detection of diseases
  • the main pathologies at the level of apparatus
  • the main medical and surgical interventions in acute and chronic disease
  • rehabilitation and prevention
  • medical practice
  • .

The process of acquiring medical, surgical, therapeutic and behavioral knowledge is reinforced and verified by conducting clinical internship activities at hospital and outpatient facilities during the fourth, fifth and sixth years of the course.

    After graduation

    After completing the postgraduate qualifying internship in Medicine, Surgery and General Medicine and passing the state exam for licensure to practice, graduates in Medicine and Surgery can perform medical-surgical activities in the various clinical, health care and biomedical roles and professional fields. The M.D. degree in Medicine and Surgery is a requirement for admission to medical specialty schools and training courses for the practice of general medicine.

    Acquisition of a postgraduate degree is a preferential and/or necessary criterion for inclusion in the roles of the National Health System.

    Who is it?

    General practitioner or general practitioner or family physician, self-employed.

    What does he/she do?

    General practitioner provides the first level of care in the local area, within the National Health Service. Primarily he or she is responsible for the provision of integrated and continuous care to the person, in the context of the family and the community.

    Where does he/she work?

    Private outpatient clinics under agreement with the NHS, private care facilities.

    Who is it?

    General practitioner or general practitioner or family physician, self-employed.

    What does he/she do?

    General practitioner provides the first level of care in the local area, within the National Health Service. Primarily he or she is responsible for the provision of integrated and continuous care to the person, in the context of the family and the community.

    Where does he/she work?

    Private outpatient clinics under agreement with the NHS, private care facilities.

    Who is it?

    Diploma from a Postgraduate School qualifies a graduate of medical school to practice in a particular medical, surgical or biomedical field.

    What does it do?

    Hospital physician or surgeon, outpatient specialist, hospital medical executive, freelancer, researcher, health manager, popularizer and science journalist, medical officer, pharmaceutical or electro-medical research manager.

    Where do you work?

    NHS facilities, private clinics, medical practices, research centers under public or private law, international organizations, pharmaceutical industry, military, local, national and international authorities.

    Who is it?

    Diploma from a Postgraduate School qualifies a graduate of medical school to practice in a particular medical, surgical or biomedical field.

    What does it do?

    Hospital physician or surgeon, outpatient specialist, hospital medical executive, freelancer, researcher, health manager, popularizer and science journalist, medical officer, pharmaceutical or electro-medical research manager.

    Where do you work?

    NHS facilities, private clinics, medical practices, research centers under public or private law, international organizations, pharmaceutical industry, military, local, national and international authorities.

    Who is it?

    The medical and surgical graduate who opts for an academic career devotes his or her activities to research, teaching, and health care.

    What does he/she do?

    He deepens the knowledge of his field of research, basic or translational. The goal of such research is to identify new diagnostic or therapeutic methodologies for application in medical practice.

    Where does he/she work?

    Universities, hospitals, research centers, European Union, WHO, CNR, etc.

      Who is it?

      The medical and surgical graduate who opts for an academic career devotes his or her activities to research, teaching, and health care.

      What does he/she do?

      He deepens the knowledge of his field of research, basic or translational. The goal of such research is to identify new diagnostic or therapeutic methodologies for application in medical practice.

      Where does he/she work?

      Universities, hospitals, research centers, European Union, WHO, CNR, etc.