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  • Because a master's degree in mathematics opens up so many job prospects, even at a high level
  • Because mathematics is an ever-evolving science, developed by a large international community with many young people
  • Because mathematics is present in all the latest technological developments and their most futuristic applications
  • Because at Mathematics in Genoa you develop research lines in so many fields, which you don't find everywhere
  • Because at Mathematics in Genoa are offered professionalizing modules taught by experts from companies, research organizations and ministerial institutions
  • Because at Mathematics in Genoa you will find an entire curriculum dedicated to the teaching of mathematics
  • Because at Mathematics in Genoa you are well...and you work well!

What will you study

The Master of Science in Mathematics degree program provides a solid and in-depth background in general topics in this discipline and in the department's leading areas.

The course is divided into three curricula:

for students interested in possible continuation of studies in PhD or Master's degree programs both in Italy and abroad. Provides two exams to be chosen in the areas of algebra or geometry, two in the areas of analysis and probability, and two in the area of mathematical physics; four other exams are to be chosen in the aforementioned areas, without distinction of area

for students interested in possible continuation of studies in PhD or Master's degree programs both in Italy and abroad. Provides two exams to be chosen in the areas of algebra or geometry, two in the areas of analysis and probability, and two in the area of mathematical physics; four other exams are to be chosen in the aforementioned areas, without distinction of area

for students interested in tackling applied problems in the various fields of scientific and technological research and industrial production processes. It provides four compulsory courses in the areas of mathematical physics, numerical calculus, analysis and geometry; another 39 credits are to be chosen from applied exams, internships or professionalizing modules

for students interested in tackling applied problems in the various fields of scientific and technological research and industrial production processes. It provides four compulsory courses in the areas of mathematical physics, numerical calculus, analysis and geometry; another 39 credits are to be chosen from applied exams, internships or professionalizing modules

for students interested in various aspects of mathematics didactics and in tackling complex problems by placing them in a broad cultural framework. It provides seven compulsory courses--some to be chosen from various options--in the areas of mathematics didactics, physics, analysis, mathematical physics, numerical calculus, and geometry; other credits are to be chosen in the areas stipulated by the new decrees on access to teaching.

for students interested in various aspects of mathematics didactics and in tackling complex problems by placing them in a broad cultural framework. It provides seven compulsory courses--some to be chosen from various options--in the areas of mathematics didactics, physics, analysis, mathematical physics, numerical calculus, and geometry; other credits are to be chosen in the areas stipulated by the new decrees on access to teaching.

Some of the teachings in the three curricula are common.
Each curriculum provides in the first year for the remediation of address exams not chosen at the three-year level and compulsory teachings. The student completes his plan with 2 free-choice exams (or other activities) and the master's thesis (21 credits).

After graduation

The Mathematics Graduate

Who is it?

The master's degree graduate in mathematics is an expert with a wide-ranging scientific culture, capable of acquiring additional and new knowledge and skills to cope with the continuous evolution and renewal of technology.

What does he/she do?

Read the professional stories of Mathematics graduates on the website Mathematicians' professions

Where do you work?

The professional outlets are in the areas:

  • research in universities, research and development institutions or centers
  • industry in activities requiring specific mathematical skills
  • teaching in public or private school
  • .

Some areas of employment for master's graduates in Mathematics are:

  • Banking and insurance, stock exchanges and markets
  • ICT
  • demographic services
  • transportation and logistics
  • medicine and biomedicine
  • scientific communication, publishing
  • environment and meteorology

He also consults the webpage of the DIMA.

Graduates are in a position to enter the world of work at medium-high levels of executives, because they have excellent skills of:

  • devise strategies to deal with a wide variety of problems
  • fill functions of high responsibility in public or private workplaces with the purpose also of research or scientific dissemination
  • to assume scientific and organizational responsibilities in educational institutions and in environments related to popularization.

According to data taken from the latest National AlmaLaurea surveys on master's graduates in Mathematics from 2011 to 2015 one year after graduation:

  • 28% continue their studies in the PhD program
  • .
  • 28% teach in school
  • 27% work in industry or services
  • 17% are looking for work.

57% of graduates, including those engaged in job search, participate in postgraduate training experiences.

The average waiting time for the first job is about three months.

For 73 percent of graduates working immediately after graduation, the studies they did were effective for the work they are doing. The corresponding national figures for science degrees are: 65% for mathematics degrees and 59% for statistics degrees.