What are These are training activities that enable you to acquire language, computer and telematics skills, useful for facilitating your career choices through a direct knowledge of the work sector. Compatible with your chosen curriculum, these activities arerecognized in the curriculum through training credits ex type F or of type of your choice.For more details on the various activities offered and to assess the consistency of the activities with your curriculum, you can contact the Study Plan Committee.For activities that are not traceable to those in the Manifesto, passing the relevant exams will result in the acquisition of credits and will provide for success or failure, as a final judgment..
Recognized activities Educational offerings are configured in the types indicated below:internship activitiesConsult the relevant menu itemfree courses They are not part of the didactics programmed in the educational offerings and are taught by internal or external experts, some of them professionalizing in nature or in the form of a 'reading course'. Check out the list of offerings for minicourses and professionalizing modulesadditional language skillsRecognition (1 to a maximum of 3 credits) is provided for additional language skills on the basis of specific attestation; recognition is limited to official languages of the European Community. As for English, credit acquisition is based on the European classification (PET, TOEFL, etc.). Please consult the dedicated webpage.computer and telematics skills, relational and seminar skillsIn this typology fall seminar activities, computer-related activities, 'Problem Posing' activities, according to the offer specified in the dedicated webpage.specialized teachings These are with mathematical content not present in the Manifesto of the Course of Studies in Mathematics (e.g., PhD, summer schools). For each request, the CCS will assess consistency with the curricular pathway and respective credit worthiness.Tutoring Activities These are held in the classroom in the first year, or in the lab, for undergraduate Mathematics students. See related menu itemN.B.For more details, see the Manifesto.