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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-33
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme GUGLIELMO LOMONACO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The course trains engineers with mechanical and energy skills and has three curricula:

  • Aeronautics for the design of aircraft propulsion systems and fluid machinery
  • Energetics and Thermotechnical Systems for renewable and nuclear energy, air conditioning and refrigeration systems
  • Energy Machines and Systems for the development of energy systems for energy production and conversion and component design.

Learning by doing

The course integrates traditional face-to-face lectures withexperimentation, simulation and thermofluid dynamics calculations activities at the laboratories of the Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering (DIME) in collaboration with researchers engaged in national and international research projects.

He also provides traineeships and degree theses at companies and research centers and offers seminars on specific innovative topics.

Professional outlets

The degree offers employment outlets at companies, public or private entities, research facilities in the fields:

  • energy
  • of industrial plant engineering
  • of energy production and conversion
  • of renewable and nuclear energy
  • of environmental conditioning
  • of the installation and monitoring of machines, plants and complex systems for energy and aeronautics.
  • .

It also allows freelance practice and access to doctoral courses in energy and mechanical engineering.

What you will learn

sistemi di conversione e produzione di energia

progettare e gestire sistemi: aspetti termoeconomici e ambientali

macchine per l'energia e la propulsione

progettare le macchine a fluido e analizzarne le prestazioni

sistemi di propulsione aeronautica

progettare componenti e sistemi aeronautici

impianti e componenti per le energie rinnovabili e nucleari

analizzare, progettare e ottimizzare sistemi energetici innovativi

sistemi di condizionamento e refrigerazione

pianificare e migliorare il benessere ambientale di edifici e strutture

progettazione strutturale e funzionale

progettare sistemi meccanici complessi e loro componenti

fluidodinamica teorica, numerica, sperimentale

analizzare e modellizzare il flusso nelle macchine a fluido e in aeronautica

combustione e inquinamento

sviluppare tecnologie per la riduzione dell'impatto ambientale

trasmissione del calore e termofluidodinamica

integrare gli aspetti termici nella modellizzazione di impianti e componenti

Did you know that.

È l'unica laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica in Italia con specializzazione in Energia e Aeronautica

Gli sbocchi occupazionali sono tra i più ampi nell'ambiti delle lauree magistrali

Il tasso di occupazione a 1 anno dalla laurea è pari al 97.4% ed il tempo medio di ingresso nel mercato del lavoro è inferiore a 3 mesi (dati AlmaLaurea)

Il ridotto rapporto studenti/docenti facilita l'apprendimento

È favorita la mobilità internazionale: più del 30% degli studenti effettua parte degli studi all'estero

Sono disponibili laboratori all'avanguardia dove svolgere attività sperimentali di alto livello scientifico


We are accustomed to making daily use of energy in its various manifestations and mechanical devices that enable us to make the best use of it in countless fields, including that of aeronautical propulsion. In this scenario, the acquisition of skills related to mechanical engineering, with particular reference to energy and propulsion, allows us to become protagonists of technological development and to contribute significantly to the acceleration of progress.

The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Aeronautics provides the skills to:

  • develop and design mechanical systems from a functional, constructive and energetic
  • perspective.
  • ideas, design and manufacture new technologies
  • .
  • study innovative systems for energy production and conversion including for the exploitation of nuclear and renewable forms of energy
  • develop systems for aeronautical propulsion and ground traction that reflect current requirements for high performance and reduced environmental impact
  • designing specific components such as reciprocating internal combustion engines, aircraft engines, turbomachines, heat exchangers, and air conditioning and refrigeration systems.


Welcome to our website! If you decide to enroll in our course of study, you will complete your education within a community strongly committed to research and technological development, in close collaboration with national and international companies and institutions, operating in the fields of mechanics, energy and aeronautics. You will find an environment willing to listen to you, friendly and stimulating, where knowledge is passed on with passion.

Guglielmo Lomonaco

Where we are

Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering - DIME

Via Montallegro 1
16145 Genova

Via all'Opera Pia 15
16145 Genoa

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Reference for teaching