What is the study plan The study plan is the set of all the examinations you need to take in order to graduate. The study plan is the set of all the examinations you need to take in order to graduate. Your plan includes educational activities, including: teaching laboratories other activities curricular internships The sum of mandatory and optional activities constitutes your study plan. Consult the "Study Manifesto", which can be found on the course homepage in the Information box under Documents and which you can find on the page Manifesti degli studi (by selecting your course). The codes of the subjects to be included in the syllabus can be found in the Manifesto.
This degree programme is divided into 3 curricula:. Aeronautics Energetics and Thermotechnical Systems Energy Machines and Systems The first-year subjects plus one second-year subject are common to all curricula. The first-year subjects plus one second-year subject are common to all curricula. Each curriculum is characterised by 5 teachings placed in the second year,compulsory if you choose that curriculum. Student's choice teaching (12 CFU). For each curriculum you can choose at least 3 courses (each of 6 CFUs) to complete the course. Training or orientation traineeship You will have to carry out training activities to improve your skills and prepare you for the dissertation. Dissertation This is the development, writing and discussion of a final dissertation under the guidance of one or more lecturers on a topic from the course of study. The dissertation may be experimental, numerical or theoretical in nature and may be carried out in external, public or private companies or organisations.
Filling out the curriculum Period for compiling the study plan: from 16 September to 31 October 2024 N.B.The procedure for compiling the study plan is exclusively online (Online services). A PAPER PLAN must NOT be handed in to any office. Are you enrolled in the first year? Yes, a three-year degree course ESCLUSIVELY FOR NEW STUDENTS THE PLAN WILL BE INSERTED OFFICIOUSLY on the basis of the Study Manifesto and the curriculum chosen at the time of enrolment as per the Study Manifesto of their course. NEW STUDENTS of those courses in which there are NO elective examinations or options already in the 1st year are NOT required to complete the Study Plan. They will see the standard study plan (Plan as per the Study Manifesto) in their careers from the days following 20 October 2023. NEW STUDENTS of courses in which elective examinations or options are provided already in the 1st year may: Do not complete the PLAN. THE PLAN WILL BE ENTERED OFFICIOUSLY according to the curriculum chosen at the time of enrolment as per the Study Manifesto of their course with the exception of the choice exams. THEY WILL SEE IT ON THE CAREER FROM THE DAYS AFTER 20.10.2023 Complete the Plan in the period indicated above, based on the curriculum chosen during matriculation as per the Study Manifesto of your course, choosing the Standard Plan procedure and making your choices according to the indications provided in the Manifesto. They will see it in their career from the week following compilation. Yes, but part-time If you are enrolled part-time at UniGe you must fill out a study plan. Contact the Student Helpdesk in order to fill out a dedicated study plan. Yes, from a master's degree course you must fill out the study plan. No, I am enrolled in a year following the first one Students enrolling in subsequent undergraduate or postgraduate years MUST complete the study plan. PLEASE NOTE: Students in mobility courses to foreign universities must also submit their study plan online by the above deadline. Procedure for compiling the study plan: Standard plan (plan as per Study Manifesto) Log in to the Online Services and choose the "Standard Curriculum" option. Once you have viewed the study plan, and if necessary made your selection for electives or options, you must confirm your proposal. YOUR STUDY PLAN WILL BE VISIBLE IN YOUR CAREER FROM THE WEEK FOLLOWING COMPILATION. Individual plan Log in to the Online Services and choose the "individual study plan" option. The individual plan procedure is provided for those who: intend to enrol part-time 1st category - up to 15 credits 2nd category - up to 30 credits have completed, or are in the process of completing, a degree course transfer/transfer in the 2023/2024 academic year and, after having received the resolution of recognition of their previous career, intend to complete a study plan that differs from the one proposed by the BoS in the resolution INDEPENDENT STUDY PLANS WILL BE VISIBLE IN CAREER IN ABOUT 30 DAYS FROM 20.10.2023, AFTER APPROVAL BY THE COURSE OF STUDY. Please consult the 'Study Manifesto' and the 'Didactic Regulations' of your course of study before filling in.
Come richiedere una modifica *Esclusivamente dal 26 febbraio 2024 al 5 marzo 2024* potrai richiedere una modifica al tuo piano di studi inviando il modulo dedicato e la scansione del tuo documento d'identità all'indirizzo didatticadime@unige.it Tutte le richieste approvate verranno rese effettive non prima della metà di Aprile 2024. N.B. Ti contatteremo solo nel caso in cui la tua richiesta modifica non venga accolta.