Admission requirements You can only enter this course if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years), if you meet the curricular requirements, and if you pass the Verification of the Adequacy of Graduate Personal Preparation. Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test. If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test. No If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. Curricular requirements To enroll in this course you must meet the following curricular requirements:. Degree, Laurea Specialistica or Laurea Magistrale, of the Industrial Engineering Class as per DM 509/1999 or DM 270/2004, or a five-year degree (prior to DM 509/1999), obtained at an Italian University or equivalent title at least 36 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, in the scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) indicated for the basic educational activities envisaged by the Degrees of Class L-9 Industrial Engineering at least 45 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, in the SSD areas indicated for the characterizing educational activities of the Degrees of Class L-9 Industrial Engineering, in the subject areas of Automation, Energetics, Mechanics language certificate of a European language with B1 level or equivalent You automatically meet the requirements if you have obtained one of the following degrees from UniGe: Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering - Energy and Manufacturing In case you were:. in possession of degrees other than those listed above a foreign student the CCS will verify the presence of curricular requirements or equivalent knowledge, based on the exams you took in your home degree program, as well as the presence of any extracurricular exams, internship activities, and work experience. Curricular requirements must be met prior to verification of individual preparation. If... you are a UniGe graduate with a recent degree and meet the curricular requirements If you graduated from UniGe with a recent degree (formerly DM 509) and your degree meets the curricular requirements, you should directly link to the Online Services. If you graduated from UniGe with a recent degree (formerly DM 509) and your degree meets the curricular requirements, you should directly link to the Online Services. you are a UniGe graduate but your degree does not meet the curricular requirements or you graduated from another university If you are a UniGe graduate but your degree does not automatically meet the curricular requirements or you graduated from another university, you must: . Link to the Online Service of UniGe Upload your career of studies (only for students from other universities), including the statement of exams taken with the indication, for each subject, of the disciplinary scientific sectors and the relevant CFUs for the verification of curricular requirements.. At this time you will have to choose the date on which you will present yourself for the Verification of Initial Preparation.N.B. Documentation must be uploaded within 10 days of the date you intend to attend. The outcome of the verification of curricular requirements will be communicated to you prior to the scheduled date for Verification of Initial Readiness. If you fail the verification of curricular requirements, you will not be able to take the initial preparation verification. In this case you will be suggested a "bridging career" to fill the highlighted curricular deficiencies. If, on the other hand, you do not pass the initial preparation check, you will be able to take the test for a different Master's Degree or submit to a later test. N.B.If your bachelor's degree grade is at least 9/10 of the maximum or earned a final grade corresponding to the "A" or "B" classification of the ECTS system, you will not have to take the initial preparation check. If you are a UniGe graduate but your degree does not automatically meet the curricular requirements or you graduated from another university, you must: . Link to the Online Service of UniGe Upload your career of studies (only for students from other universities), including the statement of exams taken with the indication, for each subject, of the disciplinary scientific sectors and the relevant CFUs for the verification of curricular requirements.. At this time you will have to choose the date on which you will present yourself for the Verification of Initial Preparation.N.B. Documentation must be uploaded within 10 days of the date you intend to attend. The outcome of the verification of curricular requirements will be communicated to you prior to the scheduled date for Verification of Initial Readiness. If you fail the verification of curricular requirements, you will not be able to take the initial preparation verification. In this case you will be suggested a "bridging career" to fill the highlighted curricular deficiencies. If, on the other hand, you do not pass the initial preparation check, you will be able to take the test for a different Master's Degree or submit to a later test. N.B.If your bachelor's degree grade is at least 9/10 of the maximum or earned a final grade corresponding to the "A" or "B" classification of the ECTS system, you will not have to take the initial preparation check. you have not yet graduated You can take the initial preparation test even if you have not yet graduated, as long as you have already passed all the exams and your career meets the curricular requirements. In this case, after pre-registration, you need to log on to Unige's Online Services and choose the date on which you would like to take the initial preparation check. N.B. Because you have not yet graduated, remember that you will not be able to take advantage of any exemption for the grade you earned. You can take the initial preparation test even if you have not yet graduated, as long as you have already passed all the exams and your career meets the curricular requirements. In this case, after pre-registration, you need to log on to Unige's Online Services and choose the date on which you would like to take the initial preparation check. N.B. Because you have not yet graduated, remember that you will not be able to take advantage of any exemption for the grade you earned.
2. Register and pre-register To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL). UniGe Portal Registration If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL). Pre-registration Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration. To learn about the deadlines and how you can enroll in UniGe check out the pages Dates and Enrollment
3. Sostieni la verifica della preparazione personale Go to the page dedicated to Personal Readiness Check.
4. Confirm registration confirmation that you want to the course of study of your choice from those indicated in the pre-registration you have already entered, pay the first installment of fees according to the modalities and the deadlines indicated.